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Messages - leland [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
Community Giveaways / Re: 1 Copy of Process Lasso Pro
« on: January 28, 2013, 10:53 PM »
Sorry, I already gave away the license as mentioned in the thread.

PS I noticed you were referring to flamerz reply.  Notice flamerz wanted a donation so it was not truly a free license.


Community Giveaways / Re: 1 Copy of Process Lasso Pro
« on: December 05, 2012, 11:14 AM »
Ok erikts, your license has been sent.  Enjoy.


Community Giveaways / 1 Copy of Process Lasso Pro
« on: December 03, 2012, 07:05 PM »
I have one copy of Process Lasso Pro to give out.  It is the full version though I think it only comes with one year of updates.  It will continue to work forever as long as you keep the installer and code but you would have to pay for newer upgrades after that point.  If you are interested post here and I will PM you to get your email address. 


Though I have not had lots of time to spend here I have been around since the beginning and can say it is a great site.  Your drive came at a good moment when I was able to donate.  May the site continue on for a long time to come...


Best Text Editor / Re: Some more editors of mention...
« on: January 03, 2008, 03:47 PM »
What about CodePad, another excellent freeware editor aimed at programmers, but quite useful for everyone.  You can find it at  It supports column select (use the Alt key), supports 64 programming languages for syntax highlighting out of the box, and much more.  I find it great for general text editing too.


I am 38 and am a system and network administrator for a small business in Chico, CA.  I have been into computers since I was in grade school where we had Apple IIe computers.  When I graduated from 8th grade my grandfather bought me a C-64 with monitor but no storage device.  I spent the next year learning to program and would write programs, play with them and then shut it down each night to start over again the next day.  I learned much from this.  Eventually I got a disk drive and printer and was able to write much larger prorgams.  I remember for Christmas one year I got a Simon's Basic module which greatly expanded what I could program and gave me the ability to write structured basic programs.  With that I wrote my own CAD program for fun.  I don't do much programming these days except scripting; although I help some friends with their code occasionally.  I love to try out new software and especially have a passion for free software of all sorts, be it freeware or open source.  I have been a member here for quite some time, but I don't have ton's of time to post the way I would like.  When I do find products I like I do like to share about them on various forums including here.  Well that's about it for now.


I don't post a lot, but when I post I am either trying to solve a problem or share solutions I have found or share my opinion about something I think is great.  I would not want to accept pay for saying I think something is great if it is not.  I also think it is bad to try to hide affiliations.  I started out on computers in programming.  Now days I do system administration.  I do sometimes post about products I love, like Directory Opus, but that is only because I truly do love the product and have been a user since the 90's when it was out for the Amiga.  It sickens me to think people would push lesser products just for cash, but I guese it all comes down to greed, plain and simple.  Very sad.  But I have found this forum to be great for finding things and the opinions here truly seem to be real.  That is great.  Thanks to everyone here for making this forum what it is; a place to be trusted, a place to call home.  :Thmbsup:


Living Room / Re: Any old Amiga users among us?
« on: December 04, 2007, 03:31 PM »
I just noticed this post.  Well, here is another Amiga users.  My third computer was a A500, which I made many expansions to like the 2MB of chip ram, hard drive, etc...  Then later I bought an A2000 used and expanded that like crazy too.  Those were some fun days.  Even now there are many things I find myself missing from the Amiga that the PC still does not have.  Yes, ARexx was great, the VB for Applications doesn't come close to matching it's power.  I did however get one of my favorite Amiga app for the PC when Directory Opus was released for Windows.  That made my PC a much more usable computer.  Oh, those were the days...


PS I still keep an eye on the Amiga from time to time, but the new stuff just doesn't seem the same to me anymore...  Is it just me?

Official Announcements / Re: November Software Drawing Winners
« on: December 04, 2007, 03:14 PM »
I just want to say thank you very much to carl  :Thmbsup: and everyone at donation coder for making this a great place.  This is the second time I entered one of the contests and I won this time.  Yay.


General Software Discussion / Re: RANT: High Software Prices!
« on: May 01, 2007, 07:15 PM »
Yes, prices are way too high.  I manage a network at a small company and we don't get much for breaks on the prices.  And the ones I do I have to search out.  With Microsoft and Adobe charging such high prices I'm almost feeling the open source and free software route is the best.  and App103, you are so right about the need for money being evil.  I can't believe how much prices just seem to keep going up.  I think much of the problem is corporate greed.  The corporations (notice I did not mention people) are trying their best to take over.  In some ways it seems it's time for "we the people" to fight back, and I guess one of the best ways is running free software and giving up on software from Microsoft, Adobe, etc...  Yes, you have some very good points.  Thanks for this interesting topic.


Thanks Ampa for adding Cool PDF.  I had found it somewhat useful before Foxit 2 came out, but after that I haven't really used it since.  Your mini review is a great reference when looking for a good viewer so I wanted to know what you thought.  I just tried the PDF-XChange Viewer and you are right it is very cool.  It has enough features I like it may replace Foxit as my favorite non-Adobe viewer.  I especially like the little button in the lower right of the window that allows you to open your currently opened file in Adobe Reader.  Thanks again.


Thanks for this cool overview of all the PDF reader alternatives, but you missed Cool PDF Reader.  You can find it at:

I would like to know how you think it compares to the others if you have time.  Thanks.


General Software Discussion / Re: foobar...honestly...WTF?! WTF?!
« on: September 26, 2006, 05:37 PM »
Here is a link to a post at the Hydrogen Audio forum that covers the plug-ins for v0.9.x.  Also, the forums here are a very good source of information on using Foobar.




Can you tell us which ones you would classify as "essential-essential-essential" ; "essential-essential" and just plain "essential"?   ;D

Which ones you use or have come to appreciate most?

Well, as I already mentioned I consider Adblock Plus with the Updater to be my most essential.  I don't want a bunch of junk staring me in the face as I am trying to do my work.  Coupled with that NoScript will kill all scripts except on sites you allow.  This also kills of a bunch of extra junk.

Add Bookmark Here just makes bookmarking sites much easier, similar to Maxthon which I used before Firefox.  The sort bookmarks is useful to keep things in order as Firefox just seems to add them and has no way built in to sort them.

TabMixPlus is definely a must have, no questions about it.  When I started using it it did not have as many functions, but just last week it was updated and now includes the functionality of several extensions all in one.  This makes it much easier for me not having to have extra extensions yet having the same functions.  I prefer using a sigle browser window with lots of tabs, and this extension makes it very easy to do this.  Also it allows you to set it so new tabs open next to the current.  I could just go on and on about this one...

Mr Tech Local install is very usful for many reasons.  For one it can remove the delay for installing new extensions.  For another it can overide compatibility checking like the nightly tester tools.  It has many other functions too, way to many to list.  If you want to know more look at

What can I say about minimoze to tray, it help keep the taskbar uncluttered.  Plus you have quick access to Firefox.

OpenLinkIn is very useful in that it extends the context menu on links giving you many options as what to do with that link.  For me that is very helpful and much better than the default settings.

I think that covers everything I listed as essential.  I use all these extensions daily, though it seems the list is growing each day also.


PS mouser, feel free to move this discussion as many others could benefit from this information.

15 Shared Bookmarks 0.8.200510240847 - for keeping your bookmarks synchronized between machines
Adblock Plus (essential)
Adblock Filterset.G Updater 0.2.9 (essential)
Add Bookmark Here 0.5.5 (essential)
Gmail Manager 0.4.2 - very helpful if you have multiple gmail accounts to keep track of
Minimize to Tray (essential)
MR Tech Local Install 4.0 (essential)  includes the nightly tester tools functionality and much more...
NoScript (essential) very useful for the security minded individual
Open Link In... 1.4 (essential)
PDF Download 0.6
Sort Bookmarks 0.7.0 (essential)
Tab History 1.0.3
Tab Mix Plus 0.3 (essential) - The best Tabbed browser extension I have ever seen!!! (includes Tab X and Session Saver functionality)
SearchPluginHacks 0.1.3
Duplicate Tab 0.7
EM Menu 1.1 (essential)
Download Statusbar 0.9.4

These are the extensions I use at the moment.  I always seem to find something new I consider essential each week.  I especially like the AdBlock/NoScript combo for keeping junk off my screen.  Sorry for no links, just a lack of time.


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