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Messages - anthony77 [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
Hello everyone,

My wife and I like to do a lot of "worldbuilding" and was wondering how to store all that information? It's information that can be used for anything including DnD.

Examples would include something like a character profile. It lists things like;

name, where they are from, what they like to do, what they dont like, what kind of powers they may have, what their occupation is, who they are related too and who they know, what kind of weapons they carry, what kind of skills they have along with numerical stats that can be altered to fit whatever medium they go into but the catch is that I want all that information to be cross referenced to each other and everything else that is relevant

So I create a character named Bob and he's from the city of New York and his alignment is Chaotic Evil along with being a Mage.

I want it to function in a way where if I click New York, it will bring me to the New York page I have created previously (like a link or something?) and if I click on Chaotic Evil it will bring me to a page of all the other characters in the database that share the same alignment and if I click mage then it brings me to the page that explains what a mage is. Or if Bob has certain skills then you can click on it and it brings you to the skills database (along with explaining what the skill does).

Or if I create a creature profile and that create belongs in the swamp, I want to be able to click swamp and have it direct me to the page that explains what the swamp biome is like and other creatures commonly found there.

I basically want everything to be linked and have large sets of data that is separate but relational.

I don't have any coding experience or database experience though but I'm willing to learn if that helps the case here. Is a relational database what I'm looking for is that over kill? I've seen people suggest making a Wiki but I don't know if that would be the correct method either.

I've just been using Excel, Google Sheets, and Evernote to store my ideas and was wondering if there was a better or more effective method.

I have no idea how much information there will be so I don't know if I need something that scales upwards?

Thanks in advance.

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