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Messages - galactus [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
Found Deals and Discounts / Re: Humble Bundle - Coder's Bookshelf
« on: April 04, 2019, 01:25 AM »
I have bought this bundle, and I can vouch for the awesomeness of some of these texts. I got the $15 level, mostly because I am not a systems dev and don't have need for the LPI. Doing Math with Python is especially cool.

I've been using BitWarden for almost a year now and it is pretty good. I switched from LastPass when they jacked up the prices after refusing to let me upgrade for multiple years.

I have also heard good things about the Norton Password Manager but I have no personal experience with it.

  • Grab either Think Python by Downey or Automate the boring stuff with Python
  • Don't bother wasting time with Python2, pick Python3 since its the way forward
  • If you are on Windows, grab the Anaconda distribution
  • Use the standard library often, it is huge
  • Check out Awesome Python for 3rd party library recommendations

Living Room / Re: Movies you've seen lately
« on: January 15, 2019, 01:28 AM »
Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters - very cool Godzilla anime hosted on Netflix.

Pages: [1]