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Screenshot Captor / Re: SSC error message when starting at boot
« on: February 04, 2023, 10:51 PM »
It's a tweak in settings, a kind respondent informed me.

My hero!

Thanks *very much!


Screenshot Captor / Re: SSC error message when starting at boot
« on: February 04, 2023, 06:15 PM »
Hi jesse,

I went ahead with an uninstall/reinstall, and the problem has completely gone away. Not sure why.

I do have another problem, however, and that is when I save a screenshot. The behavior immediately launches Windows file explorer, which seems like a dreadful idea to me.  :P I've been looking for a setting I can tweak to avoid this, but no luck so far.

Thanks for replying, by the way!


Hi Yuki.

I wonder if this means that your screenshot directory is set to a network location that is not yet available at boot time?
One option to solve this would be to figure out how to tell Screenshot Captor to start later in the bootup process.. I remember there were some tips on how to do this but I don't remember.
If you find the solution I hope you will share with us.
The other option is simply to set your screenshot directory to a local drive location instead of a network share location.

I'm sure some like it, but I find the immediate appearance of Windows file manager the moment I save some screen grab, an annoyance.

This seems to be new behavior on my (new) system.

So is there a way for everyone to be happy (can I disable the opening of file explorer by SC)?


Screenshot Captor / SSC error message when starting at boot
« on: January 27, 2023, 03:27 PM »
I get two identical error message windows from SSC on boot (auto start in the BG). This is a new box, with a new install. The message is something to the effect of "Could not create non existent directory in desktop" (I should have screen captured it so I'd remember exactly. 😂)

These seem trivial, as the program works. But I hate having my beautiful new and insanely overpowered PC marred by this at boot.  :D

I will try uninstall/reinstall in the meantime. But if anyone knows what is going on here I'd sure appreciate it.

Yuki in Tokyo

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