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Cloud services are not exactly private.  I am pretty sure there are some selfhosted options out there that would do this.
Could you not just find an email client you like, that does complex rules (ie thunderbird) and run it on a pc (or rasbertyPI)?
It might not be instantaneous, but I think it would work.

Thunderbird also has a portable app. Not sure if its rules are up to what you are looking for. 

PublicDomainVic / Re: AddressBooker - Webpage to Address Book
« on: March 26, 2024, 12:26 AM »
Thanks.  :Thmbsup: Ran it.

PublicDomainVic / Re: AddressBooker - Webpage to Address Book
« on: March 06, 2024, 01:03 PM »
Worrying about portable later makes sense. I will try and run it tonight when I get home, but it will be pretty late. Otherwise I might not get to it until tomorrow.
Hope that does not delay you to much.

General Software Discussion / Re: Any Break Reminder freeware?
« on: March 05, 2024, 12:17 PM »
I worked someplace that had workrave installed.  It was a small company.

Some alternatives. I do not know the volume is a thing)

I also saw

I have used neither of the alternatives above

PublicDomainVic / Re: AddressBooker - Webpage to Address Book
« on: February 29, 2024, 08:19 PM »
Thank you. The first ALPHA version should be coming up. I'm running an Ubuntu-based distro (20.04) so it might as well be Linux since I'm using it with good results.
Thats great. I have Linux Mint.
Puppeteer programming is logical and I'm confident this is the way forward since basically all the sites & webmasters account for Chrome/Chromium. The only complaint is the ~400MB overall release package size but we'll cope with it.
That is pretty large, but totally doable.  You had mentioned it being portable. So I am assuming if need be I could run it off of an external USB 3.0 or more.   

PublicDomainVic / Re: AddressBooker - Webpage to Address Book
« on: February 25, 2024, 11:46 PM »

- What's your current Windows version?

I run windows 10 currently but expect to have to shift to windows11 at some point.   I also have a linux Mint machine but was not expecting this to work there. 

PublicDomainVic / Re: AddressBooker - Webpage to Address Book
« on: February 24, 2024, 01:42 AM »
Thats great news!  Looking forward to it. Thank you.

I worked out that if I have all the assets I refer to in the file, then nothing ever gets lost.

I have had issues using Window's documents folder or download folder.  I try to go up to something like c:workdir because if i change computers then I can likely create that same folder.

So file, like the same folder/directory?  Yeah that is hard for me, because I like to keep things in folder based on the contact/project/interest/category.   

Solved by textbundle, except no-one supports it.

Was not familiar with textbundle.  When checking out textbundle I looked at the supporting applications and I saw keepmark among many many Mac apps.
Keepmark is not open source. Single developer but it has some merits.  Not as nice as tangent but there are a bunch of ways to dispay information and also it looks like it can pull in and process data from bookmarks, web pages etc.
looks like this is the developer

I've stopped using Tangent/Obsidian/markdown editors for notes with images. The links are too vulnerable.

Vulnerable how?  Like you link to the directory with the images in it, and that link breaks?  Or they break when trying to sync between different systems (something I have had problems with)?
It just seems like that is something that should have been solved.

I think it's probably a wise decision for logseq to move to a database model. I don't think it ever gained much from being files based except a few users from Obsidian. It has problems with speed. My impression is that there has been a trend for users to move away from it, notwithstanding the widespread praise for its PDF handling. Again, you can catch up with complaints etc on its Discord.

oc reading the Discord is time consuming.
Yeah discord reading is time consuming :D

Out on the internet and youtube obsidian is dominating- i think because it is open to being hacked and offers control. Lots of people have either had a program they use stop working or (more likely) an online service stop working without the tools to get their data out.  I have been there.  I cannot believe more people do not know about tangent.

I really like the videos I have seen on logseq's pdf handling and there are integrations with zotero.

I am really interested in how you achieve using Tangent, logseq and obsidian together and how notezilla is layered ontop of your system
I don't really.
I've never done more than look at logseq. I don't like the appearance much, and I always hit a glitch. Org support is effectively deprecated and they are in the process of moving to be database first. I'm not intending to look again until the shift to database is finalised and stable.

I did not know logseq was moving to be a database first.  Nor did I know there was org support other than what was offered by being plain text.   That is interesting.
Beyond the slideout card, what I like about tangent is it has a number of views  that get you out of the hierarchical outline view.  One of which are cards.  Logseq and others seem to have so much blank space. Tangent seems to offer some methods to use that space more effectively. I also like just being able to type.  Markdown breaks my flow.  Do you know what kind of database tangent uses?  Do have any information about if it lags as the data it has grows?

don't actually use Obsidian at all now. I found it to be a consistently high maintenance program. They change things, they break workflows. Themes can break things. Plugins and themes are often not maintained. The maintenance and staying up-to-date might not always be a huge issue for all-in users who are programmers and/or students, and that's a fair proportion of its usebase. I'm also not sure how much it can genuinely considered a files program now - there are so many jsons, indexedDBs, etc, with many plugins bringing in their own set.

Yeah I see people doing some amazing things with obsidian, but it seems like it is alot of work to set up and maintain. I want a wholistic system I can tweak.

I use Notezilla as an adjunct support program. For messages to myself and comments. I use it much less with programs that have sophisticated comment features themselves (eg Word). It's very flexible, and it's ability to sync across all the platforms I use (Windows and mobile) is very useful.

 I just wish that notezilla allowed the ability to sync using my own choice of cloud services.   I like the board view  for notezilla. If I remember correctly it offers the ability to take notes and move them around.  and save them in the order they were organized.  I also like being able to stick a note a webpage or program window and have it pop up when that opens. .  I know other postit programs do that as well. But I  would like those postit notes to be accessible outside the postit app.   

I've found that mobile is sometimes very important and sometimes not at all.
In general, I haven't found programs to be equally good on mobile and desktop, web apps usually coming closer than most. I've stopped trying to work with files on mobile and tend to rely on database progs (I think Joplin is a database) and import and export (or copy/paste) when I need.

I use my phone mostly to read, light browsing, listening, and take notes, to take photos (often they are note in nature). take quick notes.  I do not really process information on my phone because  everything involves more friction. But I like the idea of getting into my pc.  On my PC, I need to track alot of emails, chat messages, PDFs, audio files, video files and saved webpages.

I think the issue of frontmatter/YAML is important, and incompatibilities remove one of the major advantages of using files rather than a database.

I don't use it at all, so I don't know whether there are any between these programs (I do know that Obsidian recently revised its YAML and garbaged the setups that many users were using. Driven by users' failing to understand or follow YAML definitions and upsetting plugins that relied on standards being followed. Thereby also enforcing plugins to follow a standard approach.

I did use YAML a little in Obsidian's early days, but deleted all of it when YAML was chosen as the preserve of plugins' metadata, and I've never used it ever since.

Ah I was confused. I thought you had one vault/folder where with your files that Tangent, Obsidian and logseq accessed.  But I also remember reading that you used different programs depending on the work you were doing. 

Do you know any free web/cloud solution to monitor a webpage for changes and send you an email notification?

You mentioned a web/cloud service.  There is often a free tier that you can use for less than 10 or 25 websites. There are also some selfhosted options. It used to be possible to self-host something like this using some free tier of a cloud service.

But in a pinch if I had to pay I would support an opensource project that had a reasonable pricing model.  / URLwatch  (I believe open source)   opensource, docker image but I think there are limits of what you can do with selfhosted option.  Noticed this when looking for the link. a hackable IFTTT  docker   Opensource, there is a dem that has some site query information.

I have enjoyed following your process of exploration.  I have not been able to explore tools in this way.  A couple questions struck me- if when you read them you feel you have already covered it in a previous post, let me know and I will go looking. 

All my notes are written using Tangent. Easy, productive environment, wikilinks and I can use other programs like Obsidian, Typora etc if I need to. I'm adding comments & etc using NoteZilla.

I'm using Word for longform writing - everything in one file. Supplemented by OneNo

I am really interested in how you achieve using Tangent, logseq and obsidian together and how notezilla is layered ontop of your system. If I remember correctly, Logseq has a nice way of way of taking notes while viewing a video or while working with a pdf. I really like the way tangent looks. I have not used it but I like the nesting panes.  I like card like systems and kanban boards etc.  I would think that tangent's formatting would confuse logseq and obsidian. I realize that these are all text files but I thought that the front matter/yaml  wasn't really compatible. 

Integrating with mobile is also important. I have liked Joplin  but I have read about some frontmatter/yaml issues in addition to the way it handles each note's unique id. I have heard good things about qownotes which can be synched via nextcloud.

The issue with database PKM apps is that, in the absence of clear boundaries, they need to be all or nothing. The few file based apps (Obsidian, Tangent, Logseq to an extent) can all work on the same data and have full access to all the installed file utilities, but the database apps have to live entirely on their own features - possibly helped by any integrations they have with other programs - but they need all the notes or else the tags and links are degraded in value.

I think some databases offer the ability to process alot of information more quickly.  For instance Zotero's ability to capture web pages and also metadata is a good example.


So I realize this post is old, but once again I am looking for options.  Never found anything really the first time around.

I am curious what you ended up doing?   I have been meaning to look into programs that help determine what applications are contacting what IP addresses to keep tabs on what programs are "phoning" home and elsewhere.

Here are the programs I have on my radar to check out. 
(Edit: Looks like the links did not paste)

Traffic monitoring

TcpLogView - Creates TCP connections log from Nirsoftr
TCPView for Windows - Sysinternals | Microsoft Learn (as mentioned
Microsoft Network Monitor 3.4
and wireshark

Windows Filtering Platform

Simple Wall (uses windows filtering platform)
GitHub - henrypp/simplewall: Simple tool to configure Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) which can configure network activity on your computer.


Firewall App Blocker (Fab) v1.9  Apparently good at blocking  programs)
TinyWall - A free, lightweight and non-intrusive firewall (can work along side other firewalls)

NetLimiter - Features
Windows 10 Firewall Control: Sphinx Software

Hostfile managing
BlueLife Hosts Editor v1.5
HostsMan ·

Also learned how useful mindmaps can be sometimes. Which switched me back to Mindomo, which produces a brilliant export into docx (hadn't noticed it before since I wasn't then writing in Word) which even includes comments and notes. Mindmaps/Concept Maps; playing around with ideas and structures; it's just one stage but I automatically do that in Mindomo now. It's also functional for tasks, which I'll add in if they are related and breakdown into a sequence.

I am curious about mindomo.  It looks like the desktop app is free, and only limits the number of "topics" to 40.  But then they charge for their cloud services.  Is that correct?  https://www.mindomo..../desktop/pricing.htm

[ Invalid Attachment ]

I found something similar I forgot to say, but not enough for me. PBOL result the winner in compare.

Who is the developer of the countdown timer you shared a picture of?

General Software Discussion / Re: Accessing articles from many pdfs
« on: September 23, 2023, 06:42 PM »
Thanks Target...that sure looks worth following up!

I would look into zotero. While it is often categorized as a citation manager, it is possible to do alot more with it.    I would looking into its ability to extract pdfs through a plugin and also how people use it in conjunction with other applications, like mind mapping applications. There was an application years ago that was mentioned here (qippa I think) that did some interesting things when analyzing the citations.

I got a Google alert about this post. I am a user of this app and yes, it's very handy. No negative experiences that I've had. So yeah, just wanted to say it's worth it and I can recommend it. Ask me any questions if you like and I'll do my best to help.

@BarryG I realize some time has pasted, but I would be interested in learning more about how you use it.  Also how did you get a google alert about this post?
Thanks for going the extra  step and joining.

I have not played much with Alomware. 

N.A.N.Y. 2023 / Re: NANY 2023: zb, a zip blog
« on: April 13, 2023, 10:03 PM »
very cool

I have been meaning to check into some of the new to me distros as I landed on Linux Mint at least 5 to 10 years  ago when doing something similar to what you are doing here.  You can create a live cd /usb drive and boot it up and see if any drivers are missing, then you can commit and install it to the system's hard drive. It installs with some things you might not think are important by default, like a media player and browser.  It has a listing of softer that you can install broken down by categories.  If someone has used an app store, they can likely figure it out.  I have very little complaints with people not being able to figure out how to use it- but this was quite some time ago.   Like has been said, it has a similar feel as window 7. 

If people are going to be gaming- I think there are distros with vetter video graphic support. It used to be that wine was the only game in town to install windows applications on a linux machine, but I have heard there are more out there that allow one to install windows applications.  It does not seem like that is an issue in this case.

If these pcs are going to be used as "common" at a shelter, I wonder if there are any purpose built linux kiosk version that might be more stable in the long run

I think the big thing is, that Mint got user friendly/similar to windows right "first" and because of that it has a bit of a leg up compared to other distros.  Other distros might be better.   What is nice is most distros allow you to boot from cd/usb thumb drive to try it out. I would like you to try a bunch of distros and then report back :D

I am always interested in how people use platforms to work collaboratively.  I think a plugin will likely be the easiest way and I am assuming there is a marketplace and forum for that. I am not able to do that, but maybe someone here could take it on.

I have been on sites (generally photo sites) that restrict downloads.  A popup came up saying downloads were not allowed. I wondering if  you could make a pop-up with a contact form/questionnaire. Or maybe adding the form to a captcha???
I am guessing if you require membership you will have a greater ability to track what people download.  Putting a banner along the top of each page  asking people to fill out a form might be something to do in the meantime.  Or adding a landing page. 

Edit: I did a quick search and found the following
This developer might be able to tweak their plugin.   Might be other existing plugins.

Anyone heard of or use AlomWare Toolbox? I am wondering what out there might have a similar feature set or if anyone has tried it and had positive or negative experiences with it?

I originally was looking into it because it will OCR screenshots using window’s native OCR, but then I noticed it has a lot of other neat features all bundled into a nice interface and a portable app. 

The website does a better job describing the program features, but in short it consists of a:

Macro recorder and AHK like automation.
Clipboard history manager with text manipulations as well as a screenshot manager with OCR.  (I do like link Clipboard Help& Spell more)
File Explorer “power” user options with scripting, file search  and folder watching and file backup
PC Desktop State management
Calendar and Scheduler with scripting
Plain text notes with the option to encrypt
various other window tweaks

Folder watching seems like it offers versioning.    I am a longtime fan of portableapps, and I think you can bundle many applications to get a similar feature set, but I like how this is packaged and I think it looks intuitive enough that non-power users could use it and enjoy the benefits.

It is in beta.

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