« on: April 04, 2006, 08:15 AM »
Well I just bought a new MacBook Pro a couple of weeks ago. I'm really a PC person although till the mid 90s I was much more Mac. I think most criticisms of either platform is based on what people know and not on any well thought out argument. I would say both platforms are just as capable. In the stability dept. I would give the Mac an edge. This mostly has to do with third party drivers on the PC over which MS has no control And the fact that apple knows what is in those machines and can optimize heavily. I do agree that second mouse button is preferable but the new Apple mouse has that. In general on the Mac you will find that crtl-click (second mouse button) stuff is used much less in favor of selecting things from menus. Given that I am very keyboard centric that suite me just fine. I know that many of my clients are not very computer knowledgable and the concept of right clicking has got to be one of the hardest concepts to get across to somebody that does not live on computers as I do. Given that our world is becoming so much more browser centric I think the Mac has a very bright future. All things being equal I prefer living in the Mac way of doing things. Once your world is browser centric all things do become equal.