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Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: New and Old Clips not showing
« on: September 07, 2021, 10:34 AM »
Is there a plan to finalize the portable alpha version as the latest full version?

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: New and Old Clips not showing
« on: September 07, 2021, 10:29 AM »
How strange.  It looks like it's have some trouble with your clip database - like maybe it's not even getting past it's original startup.

THe other thing to try for sanity is to download CHS portable version and run that in a new directory, make sure everything works as expected with a clean install.

Ok, I tried the other steps, no good. I went into the options and turned off startup at windows start, then exited. I downloaded the alpha portable version again. Restored the backup DB, and it seems to be working. Thank you!

Oh man, it's nice to have this working again.

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: New and Old Clips not showing
« on: September 06, 2021, 09:18 AM »
Eh? Any ideas?

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: New and Old Clips not showing
« on: September 02, 2021, 10:17 AM »

Here's a video, sound and all. Thanks, mouser.

Clipboard Help+Spell / New and Old Clips not showing
« on: September 01, 2021, 09:06 AM »
Using alpha version 2.55.0, it shows: You have a newer version of ClipboardHelpAndSpell (v2.55.1) than what's on the web (v2.46.1).

Is there a setting that disables New and Old clips under the Clipboard section? This used to work just fine but now I am not showing anything.


Was there no answer to this?

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Cannot move or delete clips
« on: August 09, 2020, 02:06 PM »
No, the alpha v2.55.0 is now working as expected, I don't know what changed between running it last week and running it yesterday. The first time I tried it, the preview window was gone and I searched the settings but could not find it.

I set the regular version not to start with Windows and the alpha version to start with Windows.

BTW, where is this alpha thread? Thanks for the reply.

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Cannot move or delete clips
« on: August 09, 2020, 08:00 AM »
Well, after a lot of struggling, I've switched to the Alpha version, so hopefully it will continue to function reliably.

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Cannot move or delete clips
« on: August 02, 2020, 09:00 PM »
Uninstalled and reinstalled 2.46.1

Still cannot delete

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Cannot move or delete clips
« on: August 02, 2020, 08:46 PM »
Ah, the alpha version is jacked up, doesn't show the excerpt in the preview pane, clip text or whatever....  :mad:

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Cannot move or delete clips
« on: August 02, 2020, 08:35 PM »
I'm able to delete clips here with portable CHS on Windows 7
All three methods work:
Select the clip in the main pane then:
  • press delete key
  • right click + delete
  • click delete icon

Maybe a repair database might help (backup first)
In Options, Other Stuff >Backup Maintenance

[ Invalid Attachment ]

Repair db, ok. But no change to deletion

Alpha version seems to work.

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Cannot move or delete clips
« on: August 02, 2020, 09:14 AM »
Does everyone else have the ability to delete clips? I've tried deleting clips with no contents and clips with contents, nothing happens....

I'm wondering, is there a way to install a 2nd copy of CHS? Maybe to test it out?

Or should I backup the db, uninstall, and reinstall the latest version. I believe I have paid for this twice, which is not a problem, I just want it to delete, would make life simpler for me than recycling clips :)

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Cannot move or delete clips
« on: July 30, 2020, 12:11 PM »
Ok, closed the program, then r-click and Run as Administrator. No, that didn't work.

Clipboard Help+Spell / Cannot move or delete clips
« on: July 30, 2020, 08:15 AM »;

Seems like I either had this problem before and fixed it, or I just learned to live with it. ANy ideas? Thanks!

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Some thoughts on the next version
« on: November 18, 2015, 02:44 PM »
You guys are awesome. Thank you for taking the time to help, I hope in some ways I am able to assist others like you have done.

I guess that really only leaves one issue that causes me trouble, the shifting when I cntrl+C

It does not happen in all groups, seems to occur in groups with a lot of clips.

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Some thoughts on the next version
« on: November 16, 2015, 11:10 AM »

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Some thoughts on the next version
« on: November 16, 2015, 10:37 AM »
Ok, tried Emptying the Recycle bin, it's still empty

Deleted selected clip,

clip not deleted from the group, and not in the bin

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Some thoughts on the next version
« on: November 16, 2015, 10:26 AM »
ok, exited the regular version, installed portable version. Clean database. Made a clip in Clipboard, and yes, it deleted it. Gone.

Made a new group, added three clips, and no, cannot delete every time.  :(    I can right click the group and Delete All clips in this group, and they go....

Again, like Ian said, this is not a priority A for me, because I simply re-use clips instead of deleting them that's ok. If you cannot replicate the issue, don't worry about it, I can love with it.

The Cntrl+C jumping is the Priority A issue for me. I unchecked the scroll bar setting, but I still see the interface jump to a different clip when I ctrl+C in a clip....

Edit: I am testing regular version again for Ctrl+C, getting different outcomes depending on which Groups I use.

In some Groups, I select a clip and copy a portion of the text in the clip, and it does not jump to another clip.

In other Groups, maybe they have more clips, I still see the jumping.... strange

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Some thoughts on the next version
« on: November 16, 2015, 09:53 AM »
I did right click the Recycle bin and emptied, and it did make them go away. Tried making a test clip in a normal group and deleted selected clip, still not deleting.

I will try that, with the portable version.

While I am installing the portable version and testing, let me add, the colors of child clips may be affected by my changes in Options/Custom Appearance/ Customize Main Fonts, I will play with that and see.

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Some thoughts on the next version
« on: November 16, 2015, 09:47 AM »
see my new note above about disabling that option about scrolling to bottom of clip group -- if you uncheck that does it solve the issue with Ctrl+C trying to jump to a new clip?

No sir, does not fix that for me. When I ctrl-C in a clip, it jumps to another clip.

I am using 2.32.

That scroll bar does keep the scroll bar at the top, though.  :up:

Edit: yes, I do see clips in the Recycle Folder, 527 rows. Cannot delete from there either...

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Some thoughts on the next version
« on: November 16, 2015, 09:43 AM »

I can add an option for that.

Actually this is already an option, uncheck this:

Oh, outstanding, I should have seen that.  :-[

This is by design -- and you'll notice the clips are colored differently based on whether they are in parent or child; the design idea was that clips should only be in leaf children, and that this would be a nice way of being able to filter/search/browse clips under a certain level of the hierarchy.  I can consider making this an option though.

I may be missing another setting, but where are clips differnet colors? All mine seem to be black text, white background.... I see under Options/Custom Appearance "Grid Child Row" but when I change that color, all clips, Parent and Child seem to take on the new color.

this surprises me -- can you tell me how you are trying to delete a clip and what happens?
can you experiment a bit and see if its really the case that you cant delete any clips or maybe it's just certain clips in certain circumstances?

Yeah, my work around for the last 2 years is, since I cannot delete a clip, to empty the contents and reuse it.  8)   But I have been puzzled why I cannot delete.
When I try to delete a clip, I click on the clip, part of it is highlighted, and I click on the icon with the red X, "delete selected clip(s)"

But nothing happens. I also try using Edit, Deleted Selected Clip.

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Some thoughts on the next version
« on: November 16, 2015, 09:19 AM »
Yes sir, I am usually working in a different group than New.

Edit: considering the issue I stated with sub groups, if that is a lot of work, I have a work around; that is, I don't use subgroups, I just add more Groups, and think of them as "subgroups".

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Some thoughts on the next version
« on: November 16, 2015, 09:11 AM »
Thanks for the input.  :Thmbsup:  Right now, CHS works very well as a PIM at the level I need it, except for the funky behaviors listed above. I would certainly make an additional donation for an upgrade, I believe in rewarding work.

Clipboard Help+Spell / Some thoughts on the next version
« on: November 15, 2015, 10:00 PM »
I use CSH a lot. I keep a lot of code and html, signatures and often used verbiage, and info in clips. I use it store password hints, and account emails and urls. I go and copy parts of CSH clips and paste into webpages, and visa versa. There a are a few major issues I have with CSH:

When I select a clip,  and highlight then ctrl-c a piece of the clip to place into a webpage or form, the CSH interface instantly shifts to some other, unrelated clip. I am no longer in the selected clip, and I have to find it and re-orient myself. What I would like to see is, when I highlight and copy, the interface stays the same, nothing happens. I am still in the selected clip, and my highlighted text is still highlighted.

Same when I have copied a bit of code or text from outside of CSH, and I go and select a clip and I want to paste it into the CHS clip. I should see the pasted text, in the selected clip, with not shifting and changing of the interface.

When I select a portion of a clip, I would like to be able to right click and get the copy paste menu, as with all the other Windows programs.

Also, when I go to a Group, it should have the windows vertical scroll bar at the top. As it works now, when I change groups, the scroll bar is at the bottom, even though I have the clips ordered. CSH is the only window or program where the scroll bar starts at the bottom.

The sub Groups: the clips in the sub groups are also in the parent group. I don't see why, I want the clips separate. I have sub groups under parent groups because they are related, but I don't want all the sub groups clips also duplicated in the parent group.

And I still cannot delete a selected clip. Never have been able to.

This is a terrific program, and I support your work.  I hope you can find time to add these improvements into the next version.


Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: License key expired?
« on: November 11, 2015, 08:33 AM »
Thanks, man.  :Thmbsup:

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