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Messages - LibertyToad [ switch to compact view ]

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I've been trying to update FARR to the newest version but the when I download here from the official page I get  version 2.99.02.  

Also the update check still opens a dialog that has no close button.



NEVER MIND.  I was installing FARR into an existing FARR directory and it was installing the new version into a new FARR subfolder.  Oops.

I'm configuring a new laptop and just ran into this CNet nonsense.  I won't download from them anymore.  Who wants an extra download step to get in the way?  Bad move.

Developer's Corner / Re: Next step up from Autohotkey
« on: September 01, 2011, 07:20 AM »
Python is a logical step up from AutoHotKey.  Python is a wonderful language.  Concise, easy to use, and pretty clear.

Yes, that advice works for a well-lit subject.  Of course if it's a dark subject it isn't going to work.

"Set the aperture two f-stops down from whatever is the maximum on the lens you're using - and hold it steady."

That's decent advice.  Most SLR's are sharpest at that aperture.

A very good book to get is "Understanding Exposure" (If I recall correctly).


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