General Software Discussion / Re: How do I go about putting my software's source code into the public domain?
« on: August 19, 2018, 02:44 PM »I think it is time for me to put my software, Splinter DC Splinter page , into the public domain. I doubt I am ever going to be able to work on/with it, anymore. I would rather have it expanded upon and be bettered by better folks, than me, then to not due to me wanting to keep the source secret. Maybe some type of "centrallized" location that I would be able to visit and see how it is progressing...-dmd7978 (August 19, 2018, 03:09 AM)
Think through if a public domain license is what you want or if some other license is a better fit. https://choosealicense.com/ is a useful resource.
This page https://choosealicense.com/licenses/ places licenses on a spectrum of openness. The Unlicense at the bottom of the page is what many mean by public domain. If you want to ensure ability to access the source code of software derivative of your work then you could pick a more open license than the Unlicense. FWIW I tend to use GPLv3.
It is easy to set up a GitHub account. If you mostly want to do a one time upload of the code to your own repository then you can probably do that through the web interface without even installing a git client.-Nod5 (August 19, 2018, 02:18 PM)
Thanks. I will definitely look into the licensing. As far as Github, no way, no chance. I just read that they were purchased by Microsoft last January. The last place any developer, on Earth, should be putting their source code is on a website owned by Microsoft. They only bought it for one reason. To have access to all of that code whenever they please. It is like the cookie monster buying a cookie factory