FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: Post your FARR v2 Plugin Idea Requests Here - Plugin Writers Read In
« on: February 24, 2011, 04:39 PM »
Here's my suggestion for a plugin. I've used the search and cannot find anything like this: a plugin to search the Windows registry.
It could work something like this:
reg <keywords>
reg hkcr <keywords>
reg hklm <keywords>
reg hku <keywords>
reg hkcc <keywords>
ie. either search all of registry, or specified branch (hkey_classes_root, hkey_current_user, hkey_local_machine, hkey_users, hkey_current_config)
It could display keys like FARR currently does folders and values like FARR does files, with the value type if possible (reg_sz, reg_binary, reg_dword, reg_qword, reg_expand_sz, reg_multi_sz).
Selecting a search result would open regedit.exe and jump to the selected key/value. I've used registry searchers in the past that did this, but wouldn't it be cool if you could do this from FARR? 8)
Thanks for reading.
It could work something like this:
reg <keywords>
reg hkcr <keywords>
reg hklm <keywords>
reg hku <keywords>
reg hkcc <keywords>
ie. either search all of registry, or specified branch (hkey_classes_root, hkey_current_user, hkey_local_machine, hkey_users, hkey_current_config)
It could display keys like FARR currently does folders and values like FARR does files, with the value type if possible (reg_sz, reg_binary, reg_dword, reg_qword, reg_expand_sz, reg_multi_sz).
Selecting a search result would open regedit.exe and jump to the selected key/value. I've used registry searchers in the past that did this, but wouldn't it be cool if you could do this from FARR? 8)
Thanks for reading.