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Messages - Steven Avery [ switch to compact view ]

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The goal is to take a REGION picture.

The hand is part of the pic when doing a region pic.

Apologies for not being clear.
I will try full page and see if it ends up big enough, reducing it with Abby.

Correction: the hand comes up from the web page, not the pic program.

So no easy answer.

screen capture by key-stroke (not mouse) shows fingers in WinSnap

Do other programs do the same?

I am working with a pop-up part of a web-sire, the corrections of the transcription at:

So I want the “capture” to be by key-stroke, but no pointer fingers/hand showing

Which programs do that?
Or maybe a feature in WinSnap.

I can add a picture if needed.

Edit: I did a quick search and found the following
This developer might be able to tweak their plugin.   Might be other existing plugins.

Yes, a nice plug-in, thanks.  I'm not trying to get people to become members of my forum, though and it seems to require that, although I could check..

In the meantime I have added to and improved my explanation.

Xenforo as my research forum as my main long term file holder (have experience with Drivehq, Google Docs, etc.)
Linode as my host. (So even with a lot of pictures and space it is $25 a month.)
Gentleman in Germany as my excellent, occasional support.  He set up the Xenforo on Linode, I had left vBulletin.

We expect some downloads of our work here as explained in the first post:

Borislav Borisov - Bulgarian paper - epigraphy, graphology, palaeography, codicoligy, calligraphy

The first post explains what we are doing. 
The files go a long way to showing that Codex Sinaiticus is not an ancient 4th century manuscript. 

Please feel free to read and give feedback.

When there is a download, it would be nice to capture some information about who is doing the download. 
Name, email address, any comments, etc.  (At the moment I am simply using Gmail Contacts as my main contact PIM.)
Without being too obstructive. 

Any improvements you can suggest?
Anything better than

Downloads will likely be in the dozens, or possibly hundreds, over April and May.
And we may add other files.

Would prefer not to do any programming at this time.
Not sure if Xenforo has any plug-ins that might help, but prefer to keep it vanilla.



I think PDF Xchange Viewer was replaced by Editor and Editor Plus, although it seems to still be downloadable.

"The PDF-XChange Viewer has been replaced by the all NEW PDF-XChange Editor which extends the power of the Viewer PRO with many new features, headlining, Direct Content Editing of text based PDF files (Not PDFs created from images or scans).  A PDF-XChange Editor License will directly license the Viewer as well as the included PDF-XChange Lite virtual PDF printer."

Editor has a free version, but it does have restrictions.

Not sure yet what is best.

General Software Discussion / short papers for
« on: November 26, 2022, 09:38 PM »
Making some short Bible related papers to place on and to make available on forums.  Usually I write on my forum, but that is not quasi-academic style.

And I like Atlantis word processor, right now I am inquiring about quote boxes and paragraph formatting.  It does look like it has areas like footnoting built in nicely.

An alternative is PDF. I have Soda PDF Desktop 10 and getting PDF XChange Viewer for another reason.  I don't mind paying a bit for the best Editor that does not take me into Acrobat land.

I think my basic question is .. Word Processor or PDF maker.
And which tool?


Thanks!  Good answers. I have used PDF-Xchange Viewer, but not on my current puter and not for OCR.

It will be my first change.

Most of my books are already OCR and searchable, but I am ready to use the tips above.

General Software Discussion / make scan PDF into text searchable PDF
« on: September 19, 2022, 05:24 PM »
Hi Forum!

Trying to do a 20 megabyte scanned book.

Once I did a book with PDF2GO, but the online tools all seem to have limits or glitch out on memory or something.

Willing to buy Shareware if need be.
Wondershare PDFElement will not do that feature in shareware mode and the cost is about $100 depending on license.
Willing to do it but only if there are not good alternatives.

My Acrobat Reader is great for reading PDFs but does not have that feature.
Similar with my Soda PDF Desktop

Your thoughts?


Should be simple, right?

General Software Discussion / Re: Question, suspicion of a keylogger
« on: September 05, 2021, 08:53 AM »
Wilders is still the king of security discussion.

LMT AntiMalware (Formerly - LMT Anti Logger)

Wilders - Good security apps for protecting against keyloggers? (2018)

SpyShelter -
good notes about it

KeyScrambler - creates lag ?

Zemana in cold storage

"Almost all modern AV (with BB or HIPS) protect against keyloggers"
"I no longer use any Anti-Keylogger since they all had it's issues and I don't have much money."
"Anti-loggers were popular when HIPS and BB were too complicated for basic users, now that BB are everywhere and easy to use, Anti-loggers started to die."
Binisoft Windows Firewall Control is now in Malwarebytes

Test Outbound Firewall

Along with DC this has been one of the really helpful sites with full integrity.

Forum is up.

Very nice, thanks.  Baserow especially might be like an online Listpro or GS-Base (Windows). AirTable simplified.

One question.  ToDoList allows easy-peasy folding up subfolder.  So if you have 10 whatevers underneath, they can fold up.  I don't see this in Airtable. And in general, I think it would be one of the primary questions for any tool, online or Windows. Your thoughts?

Thanks Sphere.

I used Airtable (Online) for the expense ledger, using their template, which I modified.  So far, fine.

And I used ToDoList (Windows) for a quick list of 11 Greek manuscripts (for the heavenly witnesses) and features.
One nice advantage to online spreadsheets, subfolders.

Now I am looking for one for a couple of hundred entries relating to Bible verse evidences.

Note this incredible review page for online bases.

Online Filemaker alternatives: Coda, Zoho, AppSheet, AppGyver, and more
Maria Korolov


RIght now I am creating an expense ledger, needs a few fields like project, account, amt, date, note, with the ability to total. Maybe it will expand to link to external 'files'.  This could be a Windows program like Listpro, GS-Base, Filemaker, etc.  Or online like Airtable.  Or bring your own server like MYSQL programs.

There are various levels where this can be done. 

Zoho Creator even has an expense ledger template, and you probably can go fairly far free. So far I enjoy it the most, as simplest to run and go.

Correction:  It is AIRTABLE that has a nice starting Expense Ledger.

Your thoughts?

I do like the buzz around Affinity Publisher, and I downloaded the trial.  It tries to be like InDesign but some stuff like Footnotes have no automatic mechanism. If I had a background with InDesign it would definitely be my choice.

On the other hand, Scribus might be better for my relatively simple applicationss. The tutorial looked pretty clean for the newbie.  I know there are a few harumphs commnenly given, I would not mind finding them and seeing if they are very minor or severe negatives for my potential usage. 

And I want to make my learning curve not too long, and long-term worthwhile. 

And I was joking about the Microsoft name, but it seems like there are good reasons to put it behind the two I mentioned above. Open Live Writer is a similar situation, for writing blog posts.  A good product that ends up in a twilight zone.


Windows 10
For a new house-flip business (and maybe for publishing on some Bible issues) we are back to desktop publishing. In the flip business I want to do stuff like add one page for each house that we buy, or make a bid. Showing stuff from Zillow, my own pic, and some added text.

Serif PagePlus is end of life.  Microsoft Publisher has the name Microsoft. Scribus might be too arcane for my use.  Maybe Broderbund from antiquity is still in the mix for simple stuff?

What do you use and like? Microsoft Publisher? Adobe InDesign? I'll register a good one.
Which ones were just too frustrating?


Six review sites helped with the options


technical ustad




creative bloq


I've tried to add helpful information below.



Adobe InDesign CS6 c. 2012  (desktop)- free trial -
Online starts $20/mo - Adobe abandoned the idea of standalone app
How To Purchase Adobe Photoshop CS6 (no Creative Cloud subscription)
" you can still contact the Adobe Support Staff, usually via Live Chat, and they can process a payment for you for a full one-time purchase for CS6"
This all looks difficult and unlikely today, or $$$

CorelDraw - 15 day trial - designed as graphics design - Essentials 129 - Standard is 269

  freeware - open source
Scribus - "open source desktop publishing"

LibreOffice Draw and Writer - Writer designed as Word Processor (desktop publishing is add-on features)

  low-end - desktop under $100-150 for full-feature permanent license

Affinity Publisher - Serif - $49 - 30 day trial
savvy Mac users generally praise Affinity Designer (sister program), pan Microsoft Publisher

Microsoft Publisher 2019- "only gets security and bug fix updates"
Yes, there is Publisher 2019. Here's how to find it
Microsoft - $139
Publisher 2016 is possible - maybe about $60 - have to check the various spots, here is one

Viva Designer -$139  "desktop and web" "typesetting and layout"

Xara Page & Layout Designer 11, $90 - also has online, also has Designer Pro X

Pagestream $100 - Pro $150 - no updates since at best 2014

Bruderbund Print Shop - Deluxe $49 - Pro $100

Spring Publisher - Pro is $23


Lucidpress - online web-based only
Mac - Swift Publisher

QuarkXpress $400 - yearly? "graphic design and page layout software "

Pagination - cloud based - $550/year

Canva - browser online free is limited $10/mo - more a graphics design program

skipping infographic software




Just want to say first that I am very pleased that the Eudora/Hermes descriptions worked nicely for some of our posters!

When the information comes forth on the email forums (often in posts by Katrina Knight) it can be hidden and hard to handle. My idea was that Donationcoder was a more visible and helpful all purpose site.


Here is Microsoft offering some thoughts.

OneDrive makes it easy to transfer your files and photos

They compare    
USB/external drive
PCmover from Laplink

My biz partner in Oro Valley is saying goodbye to a couple of older puters, hopefully he can reinstall the OS (good to keep images) but their value is minimal anyway, a few years old, maybe one is 7, one is 10.

Two new HP i5 puters with SSD being installed, one from Craigslist, one from Best Bay (open box, big savings). Total cost $950.

So how does he get the new puters loaded with his biz stuff?

1) some automated way from Windows

2) simply reinstall the programs, and bring over any necessary data by hand (I usually use a USB backup or DriveHQ as the intermediary)

3) some other way.


He is concerned about the time involved in (2), but that is generally my recommended way.  Then I can reconsider each program, and not bring over junkaroony (programs, registry entries, etc.

Your thoughts?

Dutchess Valley< NY

Applicationize - as we discussed here:

pinning a program to taskbar, open in its own singular window

Pinning in place in my order the important use apps and web-sites to the Taskbar.

Using the Chrome feature is not working so well on my Windows 10.
Right now I am making up a list of what will make the Applicatinize cut on my new puter.

I tried one called Thin-Print from Cortado Mobile Solutions.

Simple free App install.  Two little installs on the Windows 10 (the second is a connector.)

Tried it out, worked perfectly. Printed from the picture roll.

Yes, there are tons of alternatives, maybe more sophisticated, but sometimes they are frustrating.  This was very pleasant.
eprint, google cloud print, HP Smart, Readdle or others. Some cost money, some are vanishing.  I do plan to try HP Smart.

Share your favorite method.

Wilders has a good discussion.
Definitely legit.
(That does not mean you want it in your toolkit though.)
The developer was responsive to Wilders (up to p. 4, 2016)

Ghostpress - Free AntiKeylogger

"Ghostpress is made for global protection and usually whitelisting affected software is the way to go."


Spyshelter Free
HPA - Hitman Pro Alert

No free lunch?

Just an FYI, I have used to find direct contacts.

Even if you say USA and Canada, you will get many Indian companies, however you will often get some good USA and Canada, also Europe (Netherlands, Slovenia, Ukraine), Morocco, Hong Kong, etc.

One my current coding project, sales tax for WooCommerce, maybe some pricing table action, a Kansas City company is in the lead.

No fee on either end.

General Software Discussion / Re: looking for cheap email hoster
« on: November 27, 2019, 12:03 PM »
Yes, in Jan 2019 I paid for 2 years in advance for $35. .. actually 25 months.

My error.  About 1.40 a month.  Maybe they have that special now?

They do have a forum and they do give support.

General Software Discussion / Re: looking for cheap email hoster
« on: November 27, 2019, 08:42 AM »
My Runbox account works well, I use it as a POP account, so I have not seen any fees. Presumably a few mails per month will not trigger fees for a long time.  I think I made sure there were no spam filters.

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