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Unfinished Requests / Re: MUST-HAVE: Music/File Search...
« on: May 22, 2005, 05:58 AM »
Yep, that's one way of doing it, although it takes time to scan through all of the directories unless you have Indexing ON, which I dont because it slows the whole system down...

The above idea was mainly to load a quick file-list into memory to make searching really fast and efficient, and could be used not only for standard mp3's but the non-standard OGG's which I mainly use, plus even other files like photo searching etc...

There's already a feature in Windows that places your mouse pointer right on top of the default button on any new requesters that open...

Unfinished Requests / IDEA: Music/File Search...
« on: May 21, 2005, 09:44 AM »
With all the new music players out there, not all can afford to put a library feature, and the one's that do scan each mp3/wma/ogg file tag which means it takes ages to scan a hard-drive full of 2200 albums...

Would it be possible to make a small window-search utility where you can specify a path to your files/folders... In turn this will generate a quick-list of directory and filenames which are saved in a compressed file and loaded each time with the program...

From there you can type keywords like BRITNEY which will bring up every file and/or directory with the word BRITNEY in it...  now all you have to do is drag & drop whatever files you like onto your own music/video player and it'll play :)

Sounds good to me :)

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