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Best Text Editor / Re: best text editor was killed by Borland
« on: May 14, 2014, 12:42 AM »
have a look here, for a little regex comparison of some editors:

I'm the author of the Zeus editor referenced on that page and I just read that link again. Brings back memories :)

To this day I'm not really sure what noman9607 meant when he wrote this:

Boxer and EmEdit have full PCRE and .NET capable regex engines respectively.
If Zeus would upgrade to modern regex standards I could do the same with zeus.

As far as I can remember, the Zeus of that vintage had the same regexp engine it has today (be it the current engine has had a few updates since) and that engine is PCRE :huh:

Unfortunately he never posted an example of the regexp that was giving him trouble, so it's hard to know exactly what was causing the issue :(

Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: Review of Zeus Edit
« on: September 25, 2013, 06:58 PM »
Some error when it asks me to take a look inside a log and report it to the developers.

The message box would have been pointing you to the Zeus error log and the crash dump file.

Usually those two files are enough to get to the bottom of most Zeus errors.

I really do not like two versions of software: those which crash during installation and those which crash the moment I start to use them.

I agree with you on that one. ;)

In fact for a long time now it has been my policy that if you manage to crash the latest Zeus Edit Pro version, report the bug and I can manage to replicate and fix it, you will get a free registration.

Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: Review of Zeus Edit
« on: September 24, 2013, 07:37 AM »
Downloaded Zeus Lite. Installation. Open file --> error.
The free Zeus Lite is just the version 3.80 version of Zeus, which means it dates back to around 2004.

So as you can see it is getting a bit long in the tooth :(

At the time it was developed Windows XP was on the desktop, so it should run fine on that system.

But it has only ever been lightly tested on Vista and Windows 7 and never on Windows 8 so for those systems it might not be such a good fit.

Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: Review of Zeus Edit
« on: September 22, 2013, 07:20 PM »
They look like totally different approaches
I'd agree with this assessment.

I've not used Sublime or TextMate but from what I read they use more of a plug-in approach to configuration. To add a feature you download and install a plug-in.

Zeus does not use that approach, but instead provides an editor that can be configured by the user. As such it uses an approach more similar to editors like Vim, EMACS, SlickEdit etc.

As to which approach is best, that is another discussion ;)

Zeus has always be designed as an alternative to Visual Studio and as such it has many Visual Studio like features (i.e. project/workspace, project make, compile, class browser, source control integration etc). In that sense Zeus is more of an IDE than an editor.

Now I suspect Sublime might offer those IDE like features via plug-in (I don't know) but as your review shows, Zeus has those features pretty much out of the box.

Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: Review of Zeus Edit
« on: September 18, 2013, 07:02 PM »
the ability to beautify code (though I'm sure I could integrate a third party tool to do that.

Yes, it is possible to beautify code inside Zeus via a macro and a third party tool.

An example of how to do this can be found in the astyle.lua Lua macro.
To see how that macro works open a test C# file and located in the Macros panel or menu you will find an option to re-indent and re-style the current file.

Thanks for writing this review, I've very much enjoyed reading it :Thmbsup:

It's always good to get a user's perspective of Zeus as it shows where the software can be improved.

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