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N.A.N.Y. 2012 / Re: NANY 2012 Release: NoteMe
« on: July 28, 2014, 04:10 PM »
I am about to install Noteme on a new PC. I am getting warnings that the download is harmful.
There's definitely something strange about the link:

And on the site the noteme page ( displays a BARD summary.

Could you make sure that the file on your server is actually the file I want to download?

N.A.N.Y. 2012 / Re: NANY 2012 Release: NoteMe
« on: December 15, 2013, 06:07 PM »

What is the current download link for NoteMe? I get a "site does not exist" error when clicking to the download location. And the vandragt-page sends me here. Running in circles.

Any help?

Thanks and regards,

I'm sorry, late to the game, I know, but WordPress is not dead simple.
Us techies may not realize it, but WordPress is relatively complex.

I've fiddled with lots of tools, and by far the simplest for computer illiterates is a web-based tool like Weebly and - my preferred option - Jimdo. Both have basic free options so you can try most of the features without paying anything.

I've helped create my girlfriend a site for her art project and she maintains it mostly without my help. She is a computer-illiterate artist, too.

(The links are non-affiliate, BTW.)

General Software Discussion / Re: Speech to Text Software?
« on: September 28, 2011, 07:18 AM »

Sorry for the late reply, but yes, Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium will do what you need.
You can transcribe .WAV, .WMA, .MP3, .DSS or .DS2. files (copied from the help file).

The quality of the transription will depend on the device used to record the sound and ambient noise. A 50$ digital voice recorder will be a lot less accurate than an entry-level Olympus, say the DS-2400. a smarthphone should work fine, though.   

And I can only repeat that I suggest the KnowBrainer Forum as the best forum for speech recognition users, old and new.

General Software Discussion / Re: Speech to Text Software?
« on: September 25, 2011, 02:59 PM »

I specialise in speech recognition software, I sell Dragon NaturallySpeaking and I always get it to work with my clients.
You might want to get help on a dedicated Dragon forum (like KnowBrainer Forum, which I am not affiliated with) if you cannot resolve problems on your own or if you don't want to call Nuance for assistance.

The only viable alternative for Windows Vista or 7 is Windows Speech Recognition, but you will need an add-on from eMicrophones (WSR Toolkit,; no affiliation here either) to transcribe audio files. Everything else is probably a nice try but if I were you, I would do anything to get Dragon NaturallySpeaking working with your setup. It really gets the job done.


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