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Living Room / Re: want to get a new 3d printer in 2025
« on: January 03, 2025, 12:49 PM »
As for software CadQuery is akin to OpenSCAD but uses Python.

now THAT sounds interesting, especially since I've been coding in Python a lot these last couple of years.

Living Room / Re: want to get a new 3d printer in 2025
« on: January 03, 2025, 04:03 AM »
Thanks everyone.  Yeah I should admit I'm not really good at tinkering with printers so getting the proven reliable bambu may be the way to go.
Lately I mostly print board game extras, but I have in the past printed some custom coded award tokens and stuff by writing code with openscad, and custom printed some repair part gears for a broken plastic gear.
Honestly the openscad stuff was the most fun because i can write code to programmatically generate models.  It's also where I think I could have fun with some of the new multicolor stuff.
It's all just hobby stuff.

Living Room / want to get a new 3d printer in 2025
« on: January 01, 2025, 04:35 PM »
Ive had a 3d printer for last 5+ years, but im getting ready to pull trigger on a new one in 2025.
Im thinking Bambu P1s, though a new Anycubic S1 Combo also has my eye.
Anyone keeping up on 3d printer stuff have any thoughts?

Living Room / happy new year 2025
« on: January 01, 2025, 01:01 AM »
Happy New Year to everyone here.
I hope you all have a wonderful 2025.

Some of you know that I have been working on a board game system for the last two years, called New York Noir.
You can read about it here: https://boardgamegee...steries-high-and-low
And you can watch my youtube design diaries here:

Most of my coding efforts over the last 2 years have been focused on software tools for this game, both in generating the data and directories and materials, but more recently in making tools to allow other authors to write mystery cases for the game.
I just recently completely rewrote the main tool for building cases into a proper little language that I call Casebook.

You can read about Casebook here:
And you can check out the website where authors can build cases and use the storybook builder here:

This is an open source project, but I have not updated the latest casebook and website tool code yet.

I'd love to find more people who want to write a mystery game in the New York Noir world, so stop by if you are interested!

This year I released an open source plugin for OBS (Open Broadcaster Software), called JrDockie:

You can watch me talk about it here:

It helps you save and load configurations of your docks and windows.  I've written a couple of plugins for OBS, but this is by far my most useful and easiest to use.

N.A.N.Y. 2025 / Re: NANY 2025
« on: December 18, 2024, 07:17 AM »
Folks, life is too precious and short to take it so seriously or get offended so quickly.
Let's all take some deep breaths and separate that which annoys us from that which angers us to action.

N.A.N.Y. 2025 / Re: NANY 2025
« on: December 16, 2024, 02:27 AM »
Hi all.

I apologize for being slow to respond. As most of you know I have become wrapped up in my boardgame youtube channel and creating software for a board game I've been working on for the last two years, and I haven't been so active here.

Ok so let's see..

NANY has always been a small little event, mainly just a way to encourage people to set a deadline to a project they were working on.  And we've never been to strict about it.

But the intention was always that the software created during NANY should be free for home users, and not commercial software.

I think if it were back in the day when we would do a big NANY write up and other sites would feature the software created, then I would say that it would definitely *not* be appropriate to submit an entry where there were features not available for free users.
And it not really in the spirit of NANY to be submitting commercial software.

On the other hand, if no one is featuring the software anywhere and it's really just a matter of self-motivating, then it's hard to see how it makes much of a difference...  And if the event helps motivate you to create something that's a good thing.


But I think the bottom line is that a feature-limited program is probably not a good official match for NANY.

By all means, share it on DonationCoder, even mention it in the NANY thread, and don't feel bad about creating commercial software.  Even make a post linking to it in the NANY section.

But not as an official NANY entry.

Don't let this discourage you from creating and sharing whatever software you want.  Anyone writing code is welcome here and welcome to share their work and get encouragement.
But if NANY is a tiny small thing we might as well keep it focused on software that is free (at least for home users).

Just my 2 cents.

Living Room / MOVED: NANY 2025
« on: December 10, 2024, 06:44 AM »

Living Room / Re: Is mouser on vacation ?
« on: August 03, 2024, 02:24 PM »
yep im at the gencon board game convention until sunday!

One of the things I am doing there is running a session on my new boardgame (New York Noir Mysteries High and Low)

Donationcoder is an old girl.. having started in 2005.. We've been through a lot of changes.. When we moved to a dedicated server in 2007 or so (?) cpanel was a lifesaver, giving us many wonderful options to tweak things.  Now in 2024 it does not feel as wonderful and seems to provide many ways to get into trouble :)

I have continued to work on my software for creating mystery cases for my High & Low game.  A major milestone was reached in developing an online website for building casebooks.
The next major step of the project is to support a kind of slow play by mail engine for the game, which I am excited about.

In the process I familiarized myself with Docker, a tool for setting up virtual operating system setups and running things in sandboxes.  It has made hosting a python-based tool much less stressful. highly recommended.

Here was my latest livestream diaries:

And the official bgg game page:

Official Announcements / Re: New server/OS update
« on: July 03, 2024, 11:01 PM »
It's clear the server upgrade is not proceeding at a satisfactory page, so I'm going to take the forum out of maintenance mode for now.
We will wait until we are truly ready to move over the forum before we shut it down again.

For now we are just going to stay on our current server until we get all the ducks in a row and then we can proceed to migrate in a more orderly fashion :)

My apologies!

Official Announcements / New server/OS update
« on: July 02, 2024, 04:43 AM »
i apologize for the forum downtime everyone -- i am shifting my attention to it now
there is nothing wrong with the server or data, just an overdue need to move to new operating system and/or server, and its my least favorite kind of thing so ive been dragging my feet.  i just put the forum into maintenance mode so that when the hosting company moved the database we wouldnt lose any recent posts.  But if it takes too much longer I will re-enable to forum, and we can manually move over the most recent version of the forum database after we get everything else set up.

We are migrating/upgrading the server so prepare for a bit of downtime.
The server OS and CPANEL install have reached end of service so we need to upgrade the OS, and it's a bit of work.
Crossed fingers it will all go smoothly!

Screenshot Captor / Re: App opens in second monitor
« on: May 11, 2024, 09:50 PM »
It should remember where it was last opened and continue there.  Perhaps try starting Screenshot Captor, moving it to the monitor you want it on, then exiting and restarting the program.  Does it then come back on the monitor of your choice?

Android Apps / Re: Any chance to update WhenLast?
« on: May 11, 2024, 09:48 PM »
Thank you for the report I will check; the first 3 sound like they should be easy to fix.
Multi-device sync stopped working when dropbox api stopped working.. That's probably not something easily fixed.

Android Apps / Re: Any chance to update WhenLast?
« on: May 11, 2024, 10:22 AM »
I've tried to push out an update -- let me know if it works for you.

Android Apps / Re: Any chance to update WhenLast?
« on: May 11, 2024, 06:18 AM »
I've finally got WhenLast rebuilt for new android googleplay requirements.. now i just have to test the beta on the play store before i can make it official.  thank you for your patience!

Logitech Mx Master 3S has a wonderful dull quiet sound when you click the buttons.  I love it.

Living Room / Re: Gadget WEEKENDS
« on: April 20, 2024, 02:09 AM »
I'm very much considering building a raspberry pi based device that you can plug an old standard analog telephone into, and have a game software interact with you over the phone.

In the video above I also talk about my board game, High & Low: https://boardgamegee.../418459/high-and-low
(from that link you can download and play a mystery case that I wrote for it).

I am now in the process of writing a web service to assist other authors in creating new cases for the game.

Third anniversary of my youtube channel:

Android Apps / Re: Any chance to update WhenLast?
« on: April 08, 2024, 12:36 AM »
i'll give it a try.

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