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I had the same issue and I manually constructed a way to get Powermark bookmarks imported into Delicious using only Microsoft Excel. It should take you less than 30 minutes to it.

Steps to import Powermarks into using Microsoft Excel 2003

1. Put a bookmark in Delicious and export bookmark file from Delicious by going under settings then Export / Backup Bookmarks.
2. Export bookmarks from Powermarks under File -> export as type delimited ASCII.
3. Open the exported Powermarks text file in Excel.
4. Put columns in order of url, keywords, then title and delete all remaining columns.
5. Setup the Excel sheet with the following columns to mimic the exported Delicious file format. Copy and paste the test string following each column name into the first cell of each column then copy and paste that cell all the way down the column to the last row of your bookmarks. (The text is exact after the Column letters and spaces with the red lines as the original data columns from Powermarks):
Column A  <DL><p><DT><A HREF="
Column B  The url field
Column C  " TAGS="
Column D  The keywords field
Column E  ">
Column F  The bookmark name field
Column G  </A></DL><p>

6. Select keywords column and go under Edit -> replace put a space in the find what field and a comma in the replace with field. This will put commas in the place of all the spaces in between the keywords.
7. Press ctrl-a to select whole sheet and go under Data -> filter -> autofilter . Open the filter cell in the first row of the url column. Select custom and do contains file:  Then delete all those rows to get rid of the file bookmarks.
8. Do ctrl-a to select whole sheet then ctrl-c to copy then open notepad.exe and ctrl-v to paste sheet.
9. In notepad highlight and copy one of the tab characters placed in the rows as field separators, then go under edit and replace and paste the tab character in the find what field and hit replace all to get rid of the tab delimiters.
10. Copy top part of Delicious export file before first <DL><p><DT> line and paste into top of Powermarks notepad file, change both instances of the word bookmarks to Powermarks. Make sure all format exactly matches original Delicious download file.
11. Save the notepad file as powermarks.htm
12. Go in, go under settings and Import / Upload Bookmarks. At the bottom select manual import. Delete “imported” out of tag field and hit Import Now.
13. You should get a success statement and your bookmarks should now begin showing up under bookmarks.

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