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Messages - dluby [ switch to compact view ]

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I've used DO for years and think it's great but like others I barely use much of the functionality.  It's expensive but worth it.

Screenshot Captor / Re: version 4.39.0 ?
« on: November 03, 2020, 03:23 AM »
I too have 4.39.0!  See attachment.

Screenshot Captor / Re: [SUGGESTION] Bendy Arrows
« on: August 28, 2020, 08:06 AM »
Yeah that would be a nice addition to have.

Nice find and thanks for sharing.

General Software Discussion / Re: Google Map Hacks with Simon Weckert
« on: February 05, 2020, 01:42 AM »
Too much time on his hands  :D

They are super photos 4wd, the sort you'd see on postcards (not that I have received a postcard in years!)

LaunchBar Commander / Re: Order of icons and "Metro" apps questions
« on: January 10, 2019, 08:09 AM »
Hi Michael,
From the tree box you should be able to drag and drop items. Just click an item and hold it for a moment then move it to your desired location.
As for your second question about creating links I am not sure.

LaunchBar Commander / Re: Just plain old search
« on: November 20, 2018, 05:23 AM »
If you could add it with your next release that would be great Mouser  :Thmbsup:

LaunchBar Commander / Just plain old search
« on: November 19, 2018, 06:00 AM »
Is there a method to search for text within LBC, I know there's a Search and Replace?  Sometime I forget where I may have a node and a search option would help. Thanks

I have carried out your instructions on Windows 7 and it seems to work, so thanks for the solution.

Hi, I got curious and downloaded Lintalist and it seems very useful but far more powerful than I will ever need. I tried to paste into a command prompt but it didn't work, the cursor just changed to a block and nothing appears.  Is that a limitation of how the command prompt window?

Keep up the good work.

Living Room / Re: I'm getting married, wish me luck!
« on: October 08, 2018, 01:45 AM »
That's great news, I am delighted for you both.

I'd like to see Mouser get a chunk of change so he can buy himself a present or whatever.  Skwire also deserves a decent amount.  Both people are well deserving of money.

Official Announcements / Re: DonationCoder 2018 Fundraiser
« on: April 26, 2018, 02:36 AM »
Wow, the target of €10K firmly beaten  :o

Fair play to them!

Sorry Mouser but could you please elaborate  :tellme:

Hi Mouser, to be honest I hadn't noticed that option. However, I am looking to invoke the 'Run as Different User' as and when needed (see attached screenshot). Thanks

Does LBC support the ability to 'Run as administrator' or 'Run as Different User' within it's nodes?  I can't seem to be able to get it to work. Thanks

Screenshot Captor / Re: Objects are no longer being pasted
« on: February 27, 2018, 02:27 AM »
Thanks Mouser, that seems to have fixed it.

Screenshot Captor / Objects are no longer being pasted
« on: February 26, 2018, 07:59 AM »
Since the latest update (I think), when I add an object such as highlighting or a text object an area to a captured image... then highlight everything and press Ctrl C, the objects no longer pastes into an application.  If I use the Edit --> Copy to Clipboard -->Copy current screenshot to clipboard as bitmap it works fine.

Has the functionality changed or am I doing something wrong?  I am using v4.27.3

Unless I did this accidentally somehow, my 'Copy to clipboard' option was set to Nothing instead of 'Image Bitmap'.  Could you recent changes have caused this or maybe I did it and my sanity comes into question (which is a regular occurrence).

I have 452 images in the folder.  I'll try do some house-cleaning one of these days!

That seems to have fixed it, there's still a slight delay when closing the preferences screen (without making any changes) but it's fine.

The auto adjust selection to fit is a nice feature and works well.  I'll try test the other changes you've made.

I like where you are going with this and something I noticed while testing:
Click on Edit-->Preferences-->My Favourites and then click cancel.  I get a long delay and then the screenshot panel (actually the contents) changes position (same position each time though)

Sorry but how do I download the beta version?

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