I cannot add an alias, because the 32-bit FARR cannot find the 64-bit cmd.exe. When it looks at system32, it is actually seeing the sysWOW64 directory instead.
I can copy the 64-bit cmd.exe to another directory and FARR can find it and run it just fine. But there are quite a few programs that are missing. Defrag, dnscmd, mrt, msconfig, telnet, and tftp are a few that I have noticed. Also, most of these have some language-specific files in %windir%\system32\en-US (on my machine), which have to be copied to a corresponding subdirectory of wherever the executable is.
There is also just a philosophical issue of running the 32-bit versions of everything instead of the new 64-bit versions. Practically, though, it probably makes no difference.
It is much easier just to work around this issue by launching cmd with the Windows key.
I do think that sooner or later you will be wanting to start offering a 64-bit build. It will probably be a long time before 32-bit support is phased out, but 16-bit programs stopped working with the first 64-bit Windows (