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Messages - JoWazzoo [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
General Software Discussion / Re: Tiny Watcher - a tool hosted at DC
« on: January 26, 2009, 06:22 AM »
Congratulations on the well deserved if long-delayed attention.

I totally agree & m3t00 on many of the above comments. Mr. Lombart, the author (I hope I got that right), is a freaking genius. Let me tell you a little true story as he is prone to do.

A long time ago I was looking for a tool to do what Tiny Watcher does. [I get so sick of looking at bloatware SW that is only 67 MB HD footprint & only needs 1 + GB RAM to run - freaking bloated crap!!!  Good lord, I am still on a dial-up.] My first reaction was - kewl, exactly what I am looking for. So been using it for quite some time now, never had a problem with it and like some of my other daily tools used to fight the BadGuyz (e.g. Everything search, Project Lasso, Proc Mon, WinPatrol ... ) I simply take it for granted.

Now fast forward to week before last. The major Nasty (Downadup/Conficker) making the rounds decided to pay me a visit. This was several days before the major on-slaught and b4 the security SW doodz released new patches. Please note:

  I had all M$ updates/pitches/fixes/bandaids/etc installed
  I was not visiting Pron sites
  I was not downloading cracks from warez sites
  I met NONE of the how do you get it requirements - freaking none
  I was running a firewall, one real time virus proggy, and two anti-spyware proggies
  Whether or not it would have done any good, dunno, but my HIPS was off-line

Just about the time I realized something was amiss with BangButt (my machine) I got a warning NOT from my defenses listed above, but Tiny Watcher & WinPatrol. And then I confirmed pookahs with Wakoopa of all things (kewl app BTW). And then all hell broke loose as I pulled the phone line. And in the midst of all this, nary a peep from my major defenses.

Kudos to Tiny Watcher & Mr. Lombart

Ch33rs - JoW

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