Find And Run Robot / Re: Stop FARR From Searching Further?
« on: May 06, 2009, 01:14 AM »
I like the idea of a beep and allow the user to key again, rather than guessing. Unless it could always guess correctly ;)
Hi, joshuawood,
I tested PS Tray Factory recently but it didn't quite work for me, so I was very interested to discover your plugin.
A few things that are not quite working yet (on my system - XP Home) that I hope will help you :
* FARR itself appears as a folder icon in the list instead of the default white F in the blue circle which is how it appears in the tray-i9uq9p702 (February 19, 2009, 03:26 PM)
* I have three hidden XP icons right now - two appear in the plugin's list, the other doesn't
* ZoneAlarm which is not hidden doesn't appear in the plugin's list
* FARR doesn't disappear once I have picked an entry
* I do see Volume, even though you said that you didn't know how to get system icons such as this
* trying to select an entry with no tooltip and therefore no title causes an Access Violation - I won't do it again but maybe you could hide them in the first place