I'll look into this and see what I can do.-app103
thanks app.

- I'd appreciate a keyboard shortcut for the Translate button, or because the Enter key is not passed through to the text box, maybe the Enter Key could perform the Translate?. I found it awkward typing short chat messages and having to dive off for the mouse.
- Also appreciate a button and keyboard shortcut to select all translated text and copy to clipboard. Or could after the Translated Text is entered, it also puts it on the Clipboard?
- I'd like a keyboard shortcut to swap the Tabs as well.
-Perry Mowbray
+1 for this request. after a while the lack of keyboard shortcuts was quite glaring and i made myself a crude ahk script. maybe someone can improve on this.
#IfWinActive Fried Babelfish ahk_class TForm1
^Tab:: ; Control+Tab switches tabs
WinGetActiveStats, getTitle, width, height, x, y
ControlGetText, GetText, TTabSheet1
IfEqual, GetText, Your Language to Theirs
ControlFocus, TPageControl1,,,,
Send, {Right 2}
Else IfEqual, GetText, Their Language to Yours
ControlFocus, TPageControl1,,,,
Send, {Left 2}
Click ; click on the typing area
^Enter:: ; Control+Enter hits the 'translate button'
Send, {Tab 4}
Send, {Space 2}