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File Managers! Windows Explorer replacement! Come one, come all...

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Thanks Innuendo! Yes, I know how big this is going to be - that's why I'm suggesting that we get a number of people to look at one or two apps each. There's no way we're going to come up with a "best" application winner - I envisage this being a broad overview of features. Mouser has suggested we hold off until early next year as he's developing a new review system that is actually geared toward this kind of review (or perhaps "overview' is better)  :Thmbsup:

This could be a huge effort...  it's fun to think about, but is it worth it?  I mean, unless there is enough detail, no one would use the comparison, but who would care to read enough of the detail for it to be useful...?

So maybe a better idea would be some sort of structured Wiki approach with categories of behavior/functionality presented at the front and an ability for users to go in and address each category from the perspective of the file manager they know.  That way the data could grow incrementally over time... but without any one individual shouldering the entire load.

A structured wiki approach seems like a better option.
Yes, it would really make it easier to upgrade the descriptions/comparisons as the different file managers evolve.
But who would supervise it?

The suggestion that DC use a wiki approach in structuring its reviews has come up recently and was discussed here. It was even briefly experiemented with (I *think*) early in DC's "life". As you'll note me stating on the first thread that I've linked to, I'm spectacularly naive about the costs of these things...

Oh, and yes, JohnFredC - I agree entirely with your point about the difficutlies that we'll be facing with this. I suspect that this is one reason mouser has urged me to shelve the idea for a few months while he sorts out his new review system. I've no idea what he has in mind, but presumably it will make this sort of collaborative review effort more feasible. In the meantime, this thread could be a sort of dumping ground for ideas, unless people think that we should start a new one and leave this one for general discussion?


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