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Software support - am I losing my mind?

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Call us with your password and we will enter if for you with our Virtual Administrator Keyboard.
-parkint (January 28, 2010, 06:44 PM)
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This one ... I just can't stop laughing !  ;D
-joby_toss (January 29, 2010, 03:50 AM)
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Ha, ha! Thanks for bumping that one - I missd it  ;D

@f0dder - I am a weenie! I'm not sure why I blanked out both the tech support person's name and the product name - it didn't seem "fair" or "right" somehow to publicize either bit of information while the support request was open.

At any rate, the second support person asked me to try Roboform in a second brower. I had already done this, but tried it anyway and the first thing that happened was that I  got a pop-up from the beta of Spell Catcher Plus that I am running asking me to correct the spelling of the password and it hit me. Spell Catcher Plus intercepts key strokes and analyzes spelling. As soon as I turned off Spell Catcher Plus I had no trouble entering passwords via the physical keyboard. I've subsequently discovered thast the issue only occurs if I hit the ENTER key, when I click the OK button all is well...

Still, the original support person should have READ my description of the problem. 4wd is right: I should have given them a brief, numbered list at the outset, rather than a rambling - albeit short -paragraph. Doesn't excuse the original tech person's insistence on following a particular line of inquiry long after I made it clear that it was a dead end...

Blanking out the name of the support person is fair, but IMHO mentioning the name of the product is in order - after all, it's their support policy causing such a mess, and definitely something to warn other users (or potential users) of :)

Blanking out the name of the support person is fair, but IMHO mentioning the name of the product is in order - after all, it's their support policy causing such a mess, and definitely something to warn other users (or potential users) of :)
-f0dder (January 29, 2010, 11:04 AM)
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Agreed. Roboform. ROBOFORM!


Stoic Joker:
The Spell Checker Ate My Password - I gotta write that one down. Definitely one if the weirdest issues I heard of.

The Spell Checker Ate My Password - I gotta write that one down. Definitely one if the weirdest issues I heard of.
-Stoic Joker (January 30, 2010, 07:49 AM)
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Quite a good excuse for being late to complete an assignment  :)


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