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Living Room / Re: web hosts
« on: April 21, 2014, 11:17 AM »
I'd recommend hostso. Mostly due to price. You can't beat $8 per month for unlimited web sites.

I use them for 5 years now.

They sometimes have downtime. My uptime estimate for their services would be around 99%. Well yes, I know 99% and 99.5% are really worlds apart when you have an angry client. And 99.95% is entirely something else. But see the price.

Sometimes (once a month or once every two months maybe) the site is slower than it needs to be.

Their responses to tickets are quick (within 24 hours), and they solve the problems in the first response. I never had to have protracted exchanges with a clueless support staff in India. Every problem I had, from billing to password resets, to vulnerable php scripts, were solved immediately.

And again, you can't beat the price.

Living Room / Re: How is youtube tracking me?
« on: April 16, 2014, 08:19 AM »
IP address cannot be used to identify users. Sometimes hundreds share a single IP.

Living Room / Re: How is youtube tracking me?
« on: April 14, 2014, 01:56 PM »
The solution I found: move to and with gmail.

I believe I'm entitled to employ profane words. Lots of them... Lots and lots...

Microsoft cans free custom domain support in Outlook

Living Room / Re: How is youtube tracking me?
« on: April 11, 2014, 07:21 PM »
Google and its evil policy of integrating everything to a single account makes deleting cookies a pain. I have to have gmail open at all times. If I delete the cookie for, gmail logs me out.

The solution I found: move to and with gmail.

Living Room / Re: How is youtube tracking me?
« on: April 11, 2014, 12:10 AM »
On a slightly related note;

I'm thoroughly fed up with Google's attempts to enroll me in google+ and to track anything and everything I search/watch.

Aside from the privacy issues, this reduces the quality of suggestions. I already watched 23 collegehumor videos, show me something else so I can discover new things. But no, Google thinks that I love only collegehumor videos, so only they show up in suggestions.

Blocking cookies is not a perfect solution, for you can't disable safe search when the cookies are blocked. Suffice it to say, I am no longer 8 years old. If I search for Stoya, I really want to see her naked.

Ergo... I move more and more of my searches to duckduckgo (which is unfortunately still sub-par on the results front), and next week I'll move to as my e-mail provider. I have my own domain, so there should be no problems caused by e-mail address changes.

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