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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

Forum Signature Spam: Let's discuss how to handle..

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I think i'm with mouser, let's have the minimum amount of hassle for the genuine members.
Having a limit of 5 posts would be pretty decent, because the mods would delete those posts before the spammer even got to the 3rd spammy post.

As for big signatures, i'm starting to feel guity  :-[

s was noted before, if it's just requiring n posts before signatures will be shown, then the spammer will just post n+1, and that makes the problem worse.
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i don't think this is realistic because well before they get to n+1, we will have spotted fake posts and deleted the user.

i don't think this is realistic because well before they get to n+1, we will have spotted fake posts and deleted the user.
-mouser (September 13, 2007, 07:59 AM)
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:huh: But at the top of the thread, you said

So in addition to this being spam, it's also likely to result in wasted efforts by helpful people trying to answer their questions.-mouser (September 12, 2007, 04:15 AM)
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Apparently these posts aren't immediately obvious as spam.

I still say go with a 30-day probation, or just require that someone donate before they can have a sig.

to tell the truth, ironically, i'm afraid hiding the sigs will make this worse, in that we won't recognize the posts as spam so easily...

i think we will have to block users from SETTING their signature until after a few posts, then hopefully this will scare them off early.

this quote of mine:
So in addition to this being spam, it's also likely to result in wasted efforts by helpful people trying to answer their questions.
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i guess i was just lamenting the fact that the posts can look real, but i still think we would spot them before they made multiple posts.

Carol Haynes:
Actually I quite like the idea of restricting sigs to donating members - its not a big hardship to non-donating members and is a little perk for people who bother to make the effort.


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