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Non-Douchiness From the MAFIAA? Am I High?

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Nah Renegade, they've been posting "official" videos for years now. Cross deals with companies like Vimeo, etc.

The **AA just become (Insert adjectives here) when *other* people do it, except when it benefits them in breakout viral sales!  Then it's just fine! (Until the sales die off, then they DMCA it again.)

Nah Renegade, they've been posting "official" videos for years now. Cross deals with companies like Vimeo, etc.

The **AA just become (Insert adjectives here) when *other* people do it, except when it benefits them in breakout viral sales!  Then it's just fine! (Until the sales die off, then they DMCA it again.)
-TaoPhoenix (September 02, 2012, 04:43 AM)
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I'd seen some, but this was the first that I'd seen EMI posting.

It's all about control- as long as they control the release, they're fine.


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