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Ubisoft DRM servers down; Europeans can't play Assassin's Creed 2

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I hope anon will keep on banging the DRM servers :)

My god this is satisfying. I saw this story earlier today and couldn't wait to come on to DC and update the other thread with this, shouting my glee. This is not a good feeling for Ubi to be inspiring in its customers. I should not be thrilled that they're getting screwed! But I am. :P

- Oshyan

I'm loving this too. The call prior to release that gamers should vote with their wallets was never going to happen, people are too stupid. So I'm glad to see someone else has stepped in to vote for the sheeple.

I hope anon will keep on banging the DRM servers :)
-f0dder (March 08, 2010, 12:06 PM)
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There's apparently a new attack going on...


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