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Attention Mod

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Reading f0dder and João's description of how they read the forum leads me to believe that it's  time for me to re-think how I do it - I start with "Show new replies to your posts" and then move onto the main "Forum" page and check out "Recent Posts". Occasionally, I'll check out the "Show unread posts (since last visit)" and "Show latest topics" tabs. I guess I miss a lot!

nosh - I'm not sure where you're going with that idea? You mean have some sort of way of tagging a thread as "read by nosh" so that the poster can see who has and who has not read, and not replied, to a posting/thread? OR do you mean a more prominent display of the number of times that a topic has been read - beyond the column displayed on the main board page, next to the link to the topic? Or have I missed your meaning entirely...  :-[

I always launch URLs from my topic reply email notifications before hitting "show unread", by the way.

I'm basically looking for a way to say 'duly noted' without having to say it in so many words. Haven't really given the technical aspect a thought.  :'(

I also use the same method as f0dder, check every thread through the "unread topics".
Thus, something like this would be sort of redundant for me, since someone would be calling me to a thread that i already have or will read.
App's comments were exactly what i thought the first time i read this, some mod like this would sort of eliminate the "plausible deniability" which can be useful in some situations.

Imagine this situation:
Someone opens a new thread on coding snacks that i find too complex/impossible to do. I don't answer, as i wouldn't add anything interesting other than a "sorry, i can't do it" comment.
Then, if someone comes and says "hey, i can't do it, but maybe jgpaiva can do it?", then i have to reply and say "no, i can't do it".
Then, we have 2 replies saying "can't be done", and someone who actually could do it might be intimidated, or might think that it's being solved already (if he only noticed that it already had replies and didn't read them).

Another situation is where i keep some coding snacks unanswered, but keep the thread open on opera (opera is like my online todo list, the open tabs are kept open through sessions and keep the stuff i'm supposed to do in the future), so that if i have time, i'll do it in the future or if i don't, i ditch it. This system would force me to say "oh, i think i might do this", and then i'd feel bad if i didn't.

See what i mean?
-jgpaiva (January 26, 2008, 06:20 AM)
--- End quote ---

I can see your point (helps me see App's point better) and I have a thought...

-=o=-  Given that there is courtesies extended on DC, would the idea of a counter make this any more palatable?  Here is what I mean... If I as a poster clicked "the button" to send the "call" the dialog says, "You are requesting jgpaiva's assistance.  Please be advised this member has 3 active calls and has 9 attempts in the last 24 hours.  Are you sure you want to contact jgpaiva at this time?"  The "attempts" aspect would be how many times a call was attempted, but when asked "Are you sure...?" the call attempt was aborted, either due to common courtesy, the caller decided that it would be a while before action could be taken, whatever.

What do you think?


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