
Other Software => Developer's Corner => Topic started by: Ehtyar on January 30, 2009, 12:33 AM

Title: Cross-platform Coders Editor
Post by: Ehtyar on January 30, 2009, 12:33 AM
Hi all.

Off the bat, I'm not looking for an IDE (for anyone who is I recommend Code::Blocks).

What I'm looking for is a text editor that is friendly to code, you know..syntax hilighting, regex, maybe code folding, scripting (yay perl!), command line piping etc etc. Notepad++ for Windows and Linux if you will (I so don't care about Mac compatibility). ATM it looks like gvim ( is the winner (if anyone mentions emacs, your shoes will spontaneously catch fire), but I wanted to check things out before I commit myself. All suggestions are appreciated guys, and IDE comments are welcome, though that's not what I am after.

Thanks, Ehtyar.
Title: Re: Cross-platform Coders Editor
Post by: Jibz on January 30, 2009, 01:34 AM
*puts fire extinguisher next to chair*

What about emacs?

Title: Re: Cross-platform Coders Editor
Post by: ewemoa on January 30, 2009, 02:02 AM
I tried out gvim for a while and have currently stopped (I did learn quite a bit and have built up a vimrc file, though it was only tested for Windows) -- if you go that route, I'm interested in hearing about your progress.

For the moment I have reverted to ***** (trying to avoid unnecessary combustion), but mostly because the brain I'm currently using happens to already be wired for it -- accident of history you see ;)

I too am quite interested in other alternatives.
Title: Re: Cross-platform Coders Editor
Post by: Ehtyar on January 30, 2009, 03:16 AM
Well....being that both the first and second replies mentioned the unspeakable, I guess i need to open my mind a little more. Perhaps, if I suspend the spontaneous fire-catching, someone would be willing to tell me what specifically they like about Emacs?

Title: Re: Cross-platform Coders Editor
Post by: ewemoa on January 30, 2009, 04:57 AM
There's plenty to complain about the unspeakable -- but since you didn't ask for that, how about if I list some of what I find useful?

A little less specifically:

Since I don't have a problem w/ lispy languages, it's usually not too bad to add functionality I'd like to have if I don't happen to find a way to do it with something someone else has written.
Title: Re: Cross-platform Coders Editor
Post by: housetier on January 30, 2009, 07:44 AM
I recommend gvim (

And while you are at it: I also recommend vimperator ( for firefox.
Title: Re: Cross-platform Coders Editor
Post by: ewemoa on January 31, 2009, 11:21 PM
May be it's already well-known to folks who've posted in this thread, but perhaps for future reference it's worth bring up the following thread concerning vim usage tips

I found the following particularly useful during my recent vim trial:
Title: Re: Cross-platform Coders Editor
Post by: Ehtyar on March 15, 2009, 05:04 AM
Well, it looks like jEdit, of all apps, is winning at the moment, gvim was just too far outside my comfort zone. I probably haven't explored it to it's fullest yet, but it seems like Notepad++ with proper regex and more powerful macros to me. The only thing that bugs me is that you can't select lines of text from the gutter, and from a feature request I read that won't be happening at all due to a conflict it would cause with the way code folding works (ironically I don't use code folding at all, though I probably should). Anyway, I'll keep this thread updated if my path changes.

Title: Re: Cross-platform Coders Editor
Post by: Armando on June 29, 2009, 02:03 PM
Hi Ethyar,
Sorry For bringing back this old thread... but... Did you stick to jEdit, finally (seems a bit slower than Notepad++) ? Do you like it ?
I like Notepad++, but I'm having issues with its amputated regex functionality.

(PS : Hello to all. have been seriously busy since last September -- computer science + directing a play... Less busy now.)