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Find And Run Robot / where's the info on skinning?
« on: January 08, 2012, 04:09 AM »
Where can I find out about how to make a skin, well actually I just want to know how to modify the skin called "Slender"  basically I want it all black to match my desktop
Obviously someone knows how to or they wouldn't have been able to make skins

Find And Run Robot / auto adding to group alias feature
« on: December 19, 2011, 05:33 AM »
When I say auto adding to group alias I mean if the files are all in one folder like
I have a group alias called simply   txt
In the results section I have added the paths to the txt files
D:\PROGRAM FILES\PORTABLE APPS IN HERE\FindAndRunRobotnew\my notes\todo note.txt
D:\PROGRAM FILES\PORTABLE APPS IN HERE\FindAndRunRobotnew\my notes\fartips.txt
D:\PROGRAM FILES\PORTABLE APPS IN HERE\FindAndRunRobotnew\my notes\workings.txt
D:\PROGRAM FILES\PORTABLE APPS IN HERE\FindAndRunRobotnew\my notes\HotKeys in use.txt
D:\PROGRAM FILES\PORTABLE APPS IN HERE\FindAndRunRobotnew\my notes\web clippings.txt
D:\PROGRAM FILES\PORTABLE APPS IN HERE\FindAndRunRobotnew\my notes\todolist.lnk
D:\PROGRAM FILES\PORTABLE APPS IN HERE\FindAndRunRobotnew\my notes\Thoughts.txt

they are all in the same folder called mynotes
every time I add a new text file to the folder I have to manually open options and add the path to them to the group alias.
It would be great if this wasn't necessary

On my pc the speed is great and if it was faster I would not be able to detect it with my human sight - maybe the inside pc god would know :o

so far my fav. feature is the group alias, so I have
/  to bring up a list of my fav. folders
txt    to bring up a list of my most used text files like todo, addresslist etc.
web  to bring up a list of my fav web sites

I also like the buit in terms like

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: New C# FARR Plugin: FARRGoogleCalendar
« on: December 18, 2011, 06:06 AM »
Having put in my detials for google I tried using the plugin but it just crashed FARR, so I have erased this plugin it's a bit unstable at the moment.

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: New C# FARR Plugin: FARRGoogleCalendar
« on: December 18, 2011, 05:59 AM »
Plugins and Updates >> Click to Examine and Configure Plugins >> Select Plugin with mouse >> Configure Advanced Plugin Options

Enter your Google credentials and off you go :)
Thanks Nero for taking the time to put me right :)

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