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Ok, i found the solution to my problem and thought it might be useful to others so here it is.

I noticed that the problematic programs used tabs (Freecommander does, PSPad too) and realized that ahk detected the active tab as a window. So, i took a look at those tabs' window style and noticed that they had this one in common : WS_POPUP - 0x80000000. I added a condition to exclude windows containing this particular style and the problem is now solved :)

Of course now i'm facing another problem but i'm glad to be moving forward :)

Now, let me tell you about this script i'm working on. Its temporary name is Dumdum (don't ask why, i have no idea) and its purpose is to mimic the Aero Shake feature of Windows 7. You can try it, but first you have to know that it is a very early version. Right now, if you shake a window, it will minimize all others, but if you shake it again they won't come back (it is, of course, in the todo list). Another problem : sometimes, you shake a window and after the other windows have been minimized, the active window is not "dragged" anymore and goes back to its original place. It's hard to explain but i think you'll figure it out if you try. I couldn't find the origin of this bug yet.

Here it is :

In the future, the user will be able to choose the "shaking sensitivity" and the windows behaviour (minimize other windows, minimize active window, close active window etc).

I already did :) But i have another idea, i'll try it later. Thanks for your help, both of you.

Justice :

I tried to WinMinimizeAll and then to bring the active window back, but it makes the window disappear for a moment, plus WinMinimizeAll doesn't work for people using Emerge shell (like myself).


After checking the list of the windows retrieved by the WinGet command, i think the problem comes from the fact that WinGet detects child windows, or inner-windows or whatever it is. I found out that every program causing a problem appeared in the list twice, sometimes with two different titles.

Coding Snacks / ETC : Emerge Tasks Companion
« on: November 09, 2008, 03:48 PM »
I've been trying Emerge for quite some time now and i happen to enjoy it. However, a feature (provided by 3rd party software Taskbar Shuffle) i missed really badly was to be able to close programs by middle-clicking their button in the taskbar. So i created this little script to enable this feature with emerge.


It works very well on my system, but as Emerge Tasks and Emerge Tray have the same class name, i recommand you don't middle-click on your system tray to avoid unwanted events (nothing bad though).

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