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Any "search this folder only" engines?

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Curt, what is that folder size screenshot from? It does not look familiar.

Curt, what is that folder size screenshot from? It does not look familiar.
-Nighted (July 01, 2007, 10:09 PM)
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CFi ShellToys,  :up:

I have removed the program again, but only because it is $40 and I really can't afford it right now - it would replace a bunch of other programs.

Edit: it can do a lot more than this old image from the site is telling:

I forgot to tell that Wilma is a genuine multi platform program:

...   Wilma was created not only to be more portable, but to live more comfortably in my much more networked environment. I originally implemented Wilma as a python based server accessed through a web browser, but ultimately found this lacked the snap I wanted. The current version makes use of the multiplatform capabilities of RealBasic to provide native desktop interfaces for Linux, Mac and Windows machines, while C++ is used for the core functionality  ...
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- this now includes the new Intel Mac.

... Wonderful little piece, she is - and updated so often you wouldn't believe it.   ...   :-*  -Curt (June 28, 2007, 12:01 PM)
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I wrote this last quoted post on June 28' -("today" is July 17). Within these 20 days Wilma has been updated 3 times!! I guess this guy is determined to make Wilma flawless, as he was with the older brother Wilbur back in the Win98 days!

Just as another bit of info:  XYplorer was able to do a case-insensitive search on that data for "Volmouse" in about 8 minutes on my machine (I got hits for 10 documents - is that the right answer?) .   A case-sensitive search took about 3.5 minutes (but only found 6 documents).  That's certainly not the instantaneous result that you'll get from an indexer, but if you're only doing occasional searches of content it might be acceptable (especially if you're running into trouble with you indexed searcher or don't trust it's results.)

Update:  BareGrep, a free GUI-based Windows grep utility (, did the case-insensitive "Volumouse" search in less than 2 minutes.

For non-content searches (ie., searching on filename only), which is what I find myself usually doing, I use FindOnClick ( which searches the whole drive in 6 seconds - without having to maintain an index (it uses the NTFS directory structure as it's index).


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