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Friends: Brace yourselves for another economic turn.

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Stoic Joker:
If you can sell otherwise civilized nations on the benefits of 'ethnic cleansing' for political or religious reasons, imagine how much easier it will be to get them to do it once those bloody "outsiders" are accused of "taking" the dominant tribe's food!

I can hear it now: "My fellow (insert collective name)! The time has come to make hard decisions and stand firm in a course of action. We do this, not by choice or out of malice, but to ensure the survival of our people. We do this not for ourselves. We do this for our children!" (Then comes a meaningful pause as the speaker closes his eyes, and appears to gather strength. He opens his eyes and looks directly at the somber crowd for a long poignant moment. Then, with a sad but resolved sigh, he raises his eyes towards the heavens.) "May god forigive us - and let history judge us." he intones. There is a silent moment before the cheering begins - and then grows louder.-40hz (June 16, 2011, 09:53 AM)
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Been practicing that speech have you? (hehe j/k)

Unfortunately, it wouldn't surprise me in the least to see that one on the news. I just wish at some point before it came to that folks would realize that the earth is all propagated up now - has been for a while actually - So it's time to back the hell off that little project before we start running out of stuff.

Stoic Joker:
Well, Stoic Joker has his guns, time for the rest of us to stock up~!-Renegade (June 16, 2011, 10:10 AM)
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Shopping List:


^^^Nice, 40.  That makes sense to me.  I know I talk a lot of doom and gloom, but I also know that I can always find something to get a little freaky about.  But I also agree with Zaine in that no matter how big or small I make it in my head, reality suggests that the next decade is not going to be very rosy, especially compared to what I've been used to in my life.

Yes, if a country like the USA starts feeling a shortage in food supply, that's a pretty big deal.  That's not going to be good for anyone.

Well, Stoic Joker has his guns, time for the rest of us to stock up~!-Renegade (June 16, 2011, 10:10 AM)
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Shopping List:
-Stoic Joker (June 16, 2011, 10:20 AM)
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I want some of these:

Any of them. It doesn't matter.

This one would do nicely:


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