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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

Xenon Portable File Manager - Portable Associations!

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I've been messing around with a Rescue USB key drive for my Vista64 machine.  So now I realize that SysWOW64 won't be there on the USB. So all the apps I put on, assuming I'm only going to be able to boot off the USB key, need to be native 64 bit.  That and "portable" really cuts down on your choices. :(
-MilesAhead (April 19, 2009, 12:08 PM)
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I'm not sure I follow - if you're booting from the USB then the apps need to be whatever will run in the USB's OS, right?  If the USB OS is 32-bit, then you don't even have the option of 64-bit apps.  If the USB's OS is 64-bit then it'll have a SysWOW64 directory so 32-bit apps will be able to load the 32-bit Windows DLLs.

Unless I'm missing something, your rescue USB drive should be fine with 32-bit apps.
-mwb1100 (April 19, 2009, 01:45 PM)
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You're right.  It does have SysWow64 folder after all.


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