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General Software Discussion / Re: Fantastic: XsX Alphablended Cursors
« on: January 17, 2008, 11:05 AM »
Stardock's new CursorFX Beta is gratis, and PLUS is $20 - and they are both GREAT.

I've been a long time CursorXP user, in fact I had a license from before Stardock absorbed the developer.  But I've finally quit using it and really prefer these cursor packages.  I'd have issues with z-buffer issues with CursorXP, in some applications it would be behind menus, etc.  Plus if you remote desktop to the system running CursorXP the mouse was terribly slow and jerky.  A quick hotkey disable of CursorXP would deal with that but occasionally you'd end up with no cursor at all.

I'm not sure how many of these issues persist in CursorFX (I'm sure the remote desktop performance is still lacking, just because of what the program does) and I'm a little annoyed that their product branching would require me to buy it again, albeit discounted.  All in all, I've become disenchanted with Stardock's products being half-baked and then development ceases.  My Object Desktop subscription expires in March and I think I'm finally going to let it lapse after subscribing for seven years (maybe longer even?) now.

General Software Discussion / Re: WordWeb
« on: January 17, 2008, 10:41 AM »
I love this program.  Although lately it's been acting up.  I'm sure something I've installed must be causing it issues (Vista?) but it sometimes comes up with complete gibberish in the Lookup field.  Actually, it may have started when I enabled the mouse cursor "radar ring" on CTRL press.  I wonder if that can break the way it grabs the text depending on the timing of the ring.

General Software Discussion / Re: Stickies 6.5a released
« on: January 17, 2008, 10:37 AM »
Thanks for the heads up.  I was just on the site yesterday looking at the command-line add-on.

I've been a lurker on these threads and since the Lurkians have been called out, I'll throw in a couple of Lincoln tokens.

First of, I'm not going to touch the NSFW aspect as I am left-leaning enough to even be left-handed.  I can't believe this is even a concern on DC but then I don't really go into Living Room so for all I know it might be full of Roman orgies and Paganesque cavortings.  (If that's the case let me know so I can start frequenting it more.)

As for backing the tagging idea, Mouser's explanation of his concept really has me intriqued.  I find a lot of useful software on DC and also when looking for reviews or comments on something a literal search isn't always the best method.  If tagging can be implemented for this idyllic usage then I'm all for it.  My only concern is the high probability that I'll start on a tag trail only to find myself missing an hour or two and no idea of what I was originally trying to find.

Citrus Alarm Clock - Works ok, but could use some work. Not very user friendly. I'm using this one right now.

Which version?  I'm running the 2.0b3 version and it works great, easy to configure, and is visually appealing.

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