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Living Room / Re: Speaking Of: Torrent Sites
« on: March 12, 2010, 02:46 AM »
Confusing, lol =D

Living Room / Re: Speaking Of: Torrent Sites
« on: March 11, 2010, 10:14 AM »
eMule uses servers (quite deprecated now) or the decentralized KAD network, no servers, trackers or seed files are required. 100% P2P. While the server thing was based on old eDonkey2000 protocol, KAD is something like Overnet was. But heavily modernized. (And it relies on spreading, not on fast uploading.)
Which technical part should I explain?

100% P2P?

I get it as "You must pay to use this thing"

And on the second thought -- it`s peer to peer ^_^

Living Room / Re: Speaking Of: Torrent Sites
« on: March 10, 2010, 10:24 PM »
Given that we only speak about legal contents, I'd still prefer eMule. BitTorrent is made for fast distribution, not for wide spreading, so a file usually dies within a few days; not a good thing if I as, let's say, a singer want to become more popular or something.
(It is also easier to handle; you don't have to create a new "seed file" or something first.)

I know Emule, as well as limewire - but what are they based on and how do they technically work?

General Software Discussion / Re: Recommend anti-spyware, please?
« on: March 10, 2010, 02:04 PM »
Just a simple program called SpyBot.

Living Room / Re: Speaking Of: Torrent Sites
« on: March 10, 2010, 02:03 PM »
So basically, if a group is lack of bandwidth and one of them needs a certain file - the group could share the 20gig file to you together (as we think that the downloader has very fast connection and the 20 others in the groups has medium-speed connection) then the torrents could be answer?

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