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You know you're addicted to DC software when...

<< < (2/3) > >>

...You start inserting the + symbol into the middle of your phrases, sentences or document titles and adding the word robot to the end of the same.

...You start doing the same but actually speaking them out loud.


"Take a pocket knife and just tear allllllllll these buttons out... But keep all these buttons handy, you're going to need them later."

I'm going to have to add a link to this "tutorial" on the FARR homepage.. I hope it doesn't drive too many people insane..


I agree : "But keep all these buttons handy, you're going to need them later." is probably the funniest part.

nite_monkey is doing a million different comedy techniques at one time in that video.. it's almost enough to make your brain explode.  can't wait to watch the next one.

excellent video tutorial, nite_monkey. probably just at the right level for many computer users i've encountered.

i'd like to see more in this series; there's plenty of source material to go at.


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