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What Sports Do You Participate In?

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I'm an avid bicycle racer on the road. What sports are people around here involved in?
-VideoInPicture (September 22, 2008, 03:49 PM)
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I leap to conclusions.

        ...Is half an Octopus.

That's a subject of much debate, but I'm more geared towards hearing about participation in the "pure" sports. ie: things that get your heart rate up for sustained periods of time or spike your heart rate to it's max like in sprints.
-VideoInPicture (September 22, 2008, 06:23 PM)
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I'm a 41 year old road cyclist, but I don't compete in races.  I do, however, ride hard and fast, maxing out my HR on long hills.  And that's just my work commute, 30mi (48km) round trip.  That's my sport.  I'm training for my first triathlon(s) next summer, so lots of swimming and running on the plan for this winter.  Spent an evening this summer learning to ride in a local velodrome this summer, that was a lot of fun...and work.

Baseball, Football, Basketball (Plan to play all 3 when I go back to school next year). I also do jiu jitsu, kickboxing, muay thai, wrestling, and boxing.  If pool is a sport I do that very often too.  With my girlfriend being a basketball player I have a feeling I'm gonna be playing a whole lot more of it then my every day "shoot around".  I also run too, if thats a sport?  Oh and competitive eating!! (Joke)

I'm a volunteer badminton coach (BadmintonEngland level 2) and chairman of a badminton club (

I also play squash occasionally, I'm learning karate with two of my kids, my wife and I have recently learned to windsurf and we've just finished paying for a Bulgarian ski apartment, so I'll be re-learning to ski (skied with school 20+ years ago!).

Am I the only ice hockey player here?  =]  I've been playing since age four.


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