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a slightly different question, I have a single monitor, keyboard and mouse. But I have two cabinets - one runs Win XP Pro on a P4 2.4GHz, 512MB RAM and the other runs Knoppix on a ;D P1-166MHz with 128MB RAM(!). How do I control both cabinets with one set of Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse?

I looked up "KVM", but you get hardware devices which are often a bit too much to spend on, especially, when there seems to be free software alternatives available. I've used UltraVNC before and on that basis, I ask: Can I setup my old Knoppix box to run UltraVNC server (or similar), and then connect to it via an ethernet/LAN card (having connected both via cable) and I then have my WinXP running normally and I can access Knoppix through the VNC window?

Is that possible? Seems not because the Knoppix box has no video for the VNC to send to the XP box.
Any suggestions?


Living Room / Promoting DC
« on: February 19, 2007, 09:55 AM »
Hi all,
IIRC, mouser recently mentioned promoting DC (which should really be done by every member, IMO, this model of running a business is pretty cool).

So how about these ideas:

1. First see

Don't you think that the "Types of crowdsourced work" section at desperately needs a mention of DonationCoder, MicroCredits and Coding Snacks.

2. Also, nice threads and pages could be marked at digg / The more the merrier :-)
If you're not in the know of tagging, see and

My two cents,

Living Room / Re: We all need to do some ground work for DC
« on: February 19, 2007, 08:54 AM »
Not sure what it means for everyone to "do their part"
"Everyone else's turn" is with respect to contributing constructive comments or feedback and rating the article. Maybe that is not significant after all, but I personally believe that since those pages are very public pages, accessed more frequently by visitors (nonmembers), they should carry content that gets more people to join DC. Also, 500 votes on that page indicate that at least 1000 members have read that page :-) Peace of mind for mouser and gang :-)


Living Room / We all need to do some ground work for DC
« on: February 19, 2007, 04:01 AM »
Hi all,
Mouser (& Team) has written a nice FAQ at




I found them really nice, well-balanced and pretty ethical.

So I've rated them "Useful" and commented on one.

Everyone else's turn now.

- 2stepsback

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