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Other Software > Developer's Corner

Ludum Dare 32: April 17th-20th, 2015

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Ludum Dare 32 is fast approaching. Only 14 days until it begins.

This thread can be used for any and all discussion of LD32 and the games that result from it. I've entered the past three LD Jams, but felt severely burned out after the last one, so I don't know if I'm going to enter this time or not. We'll see what happens.

But in the meantime, the Theme Slaughter is going on right now! Go vote on themes you like. Slaughter the themes you hate.

See previous DC posts about Ludum Dare:
Ludum Dare 31 - (I made Worm Wars during LD31)
Ludum Dare 30 - (I made Planetary Devourers during LD30)
Ludum Dare 29 - (I made It Came From... Beneath!! during LD29)
Ludum Dare [29] topic for other games - A thread about LD29 games.
Ludum Dare 23 - (I made Be Tiny, World! during LD23, and continued to work on it and improve it for years afterward!)
Ludum Dare - Game Programming Challenges

Voting for the theme has begun!

Heh I don't get enthused about voting, but it also means it's that much closer! So if I busy-beaver myself and do Stuff, and get a bit of it out of my way, then I might be able to celebrate with a couple of LD review days! : )

The theme for LD32 is: An Unconventional Weapon

See you all in ~72 hours. I'm going to give it a shot.


Let's hear it for Team DoCo!

Deo of course, as above. A couple of the other guys were considering it.

I'm gonna start scouting a bit on the early materials.


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