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I have concerns about this thread, I just opened it to read the latest posts and the first thing I saw was this:

(Read 666 times)

Actually I don't know what all the fuss is about, politicians are a far more imminent danger, their actions can have global consequence and they change position frequently.

After I wrote this post I found the following and just had to include it:

7. government
government is like a condom in that it allows for inflation, halts production, destroys subsequent generations, protects a bunch of pricks, and provides its constituents with a sense of security while they are actually being screwed.

Magnetic north shifting by 40 miles a year, might signal pole reversal

SHOCK: North Pole Shifted 161 Miles in Last 6 Months

Perhaps it's found somewhere that offers a greater attraction?  :huh:

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Bring back the BEEP!
« on: June 04, 2013, 08:37 AM »
Another long shot:

Pieces of software are available here that are supposed to enable you to play all kinds of audio through the system speaker.

That was an interesting read but nothing to solve the problem, thanks. They are looking at playing actual audio files, the program I use on XP uses a batch file.

As this issue appears to be specifically related to the OS I found something yesterday that me wonder if it was possible to import something from Linux.
What prompted that thought was finding Cygwin. As ever it is way over my head but I'm sure that others here can make sense of it.

General Software Discussion / Re: Opera 15 Preview
« on: June 04, 2013, 08:21 AM »
Unfortunately, there is no safe method to remove Internet Explorer from Windows XP.

Internet Explorer is more than just a browser. It works as an underlying technology behind a number of internal Windows XP processes including updating, basic Windows functionality and more.

There are methods outlined on some other websites that appear to completely uninstall Internet Explorer and provide workarounds for the problems that removing it causes, but I don't recommend them.
In my experience, removing IE causes too many problems to be worth it, even with the workarounds.

Windows 7.
Since Internet Explorer's rendering engine is also used throughout Windows and with third-party applications as an embeddable component, it won't completely uninstall—only the executable is actually removed.

General Software Discussion / Re: Windows Updates
« on: June 04, 2013, 08:00 AM »
But one of the things Bleachbit does it empty out SoftwareDistribution which will get re-filled as needed next time you check for updates.

The important part being 'as needed'.

KCleaner does the same thing.

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