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NAS Recommendations?

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Well, I finally ordered the HP Proliant Microserver 40NL with 8 GB of RAM and 4 x 2 TB drives. I'm kind of leaning towards FreeNAS, but undecided.
-Renegade (June 08, 2012, 10:51 AM)
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Since you're just checking things out and haven't commited live data to anything yet, now is the time to experiment! I don't know how ambitious your plans are, but if you want to look beyond a simple NAS type device take a look at Gluster.

GlusterFS is an open source, distributed file system capable of scaling to several petabytes (actually, 72 brontobytes!) and handling thousands of clients. GlusterFS clusters together storage building blocks over Infiniband RDMA or TCP/IP interconnect, aggregating disk and memory resources and managing data in a single global namespace. GlusterFS is based on a stackable user space design and can deliver exceptional performance for diverse workloads.
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It's pretty cool in that it's a scale-out vs scale-up system. So instead of only adding drives it's also an equally easy matter to add additional servers or even a SAN to the mix. Since we're in a state of flux with competing technologies, where Microsoft may be going with Windows, who you can trust up in cloudspace, government monitoring of publicly available net services, all the automated DMCA/SOPA/PIPA nonsense going on, yadda-yadda ...

I'm now completely committed to building my own private cloud that will handle everything I'll ever want to do. So that's file storage, mail, website, media streaming, and so forth. Eventually I'd like to get a few technically inclined fellow server cronies involved so we can handle our own replication among each other. We're thinking we're no longer content with owning our own private servers. We now want our own private internet.

Talk about delusions of grandeur, right? ;D

After a lot of thought, using GlusterFS in conjunction with a Linux or BSD box seems to be where it's heading. Done a little testing. Hardware requirements are modest - and it has good docs too. Looks like it just might be what my gang of cyber-homesteaders is looking for. YMMV.

Some good vids up on YouTube.

Here's the 3-minute skinny:

And the 1-hour webinar rundown for techno-mutants like us:

Cool stuff! 8) :Thmbsup:

P.S. Here's where my head's been lately with a lot of what's going on:



I've been looking at FlexRAID for a while - it wouldn't run on WHS 2011 but they've recently released v2 which does, so I might have another look as the storage pooling seems especially suited to my needs.

FlexRAID is a highly scalable and smart storage system that turns independent hard drives of various sizes, makes, and models into storage pools and storage pools into storage clouds.

Additionally, FlexRAID provides data protection, monitoring, and recovery through RAID over any filesystem (RAID-F™) in a non-destructive fashion.
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It lives above the filesystem layer so you can actually remove a drive from the system, plug it into another machine and providing it can read the filesystem, (NTFS, FAT, Ext2-4, etc), you can read/write to it.  So if the motherboard ever died you don't need to recreate the RAID environment with the same hardware to get your data back, just plug the drive(s) into another computer.

GlusterFS... Hmmm... Let's see...

That would only cost me $58,000,000,000,000,000.00 to make use of the file system~! ($58 quadrillion)

I wonder if I can get a bit of a bulk discount from Seagate... And perhaps a bit of help from the bank with a good interest rate as I'd need a loan...

Oh, and I'll need some extra space as well for the 500,000,000,000,000 (500 trillion) drives. I might need to move somewhere with a bit cheaper real estate than here in Melbourne.


That is such a RIDICULOUS number~! 72 BRONTOBYTES~!

:P ;D

It's almost 2^91~!


:P ;D

IMAGINE ALL THE PORN YOU COULD STORE~!-Renegade (June 09, 2012, 03:08 AM)
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Let me correct that for you...


-4wd (June 09, 2012, 05:46 AM)
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