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Living Room / Dr Michio Kaku talks parallel universes
« on: September 03, 2006, 05:19 AM »
Read Dr Michio Kaku's answers to these questions and many more:

  • How do you see the experimental confirmation on superstring theory ? How long will it remain an unproven theory?
  • Could I exist in a parallel universe and if so would my life take a different course?
  • How important is time to the M-Theory?
  • Your theory explains the start of our Universe, but where do the membranes come from that started it?
  • Can dark matter and black holes be explained using the M-Theory?
  • What is meant by "Bubbles of Nothing"?
  • What are the possibilities for a second Big Bang collision? Is it theoretically possible?
  • How can one travel in time when time does not exist? And if it did, would you know which way to point your ship?
  • Do eleven dimensions mean there are other life forms of any kind?
  • Is there the possibility that unconscious knowledge is transferred between universes?

Living Room / 13 Things that do not make sense
« on: September 03, 2006, 05:07 AM »
Older but interesting:

1. The placebo effect
2. The horizon problem
3. Ultra-energetic cosmic rays
4. Belfast homeopathy results
5. Dark matter
6. Viking's methane
7. Tetraneutrons
8. The Pioneer anomaly
9. Dark energy
10. The Kuiper cliff
11. The Wow signal
12. Not-so-constant constants
13. Cold fusion

Living Room / 10,000 Reasons Civilization is Doomed
« on: September 03, 2006, 04:30 AM »
Welcome to the 10,000 Reasons Civilization is Doomed website. This site was started by six friends who, sitting around the dinner table one Saturday night, came to the conclusion that civilization was doomed. We felt this way not because of the inevitable dimming of our sun, or an errant asteroid, but rather because of the idiocy of our times. Frankly, we are tired of the fake optimism, superficiality, non-talented celebrities, doped-up athletes, dishonest and illiterate politicians, corporate thieves, wife-beaters and evangelical terrorists rampant in the world today and we decided that one way of making ourselves feel better would be to list them for all the world to see and to add upon. 

This is a list that is started by the people, aggregated by the people and an offering to all people everywhere that want to take solace in a list that proves that we are not being fooled. Rather, we are on to all the bullshit out there and want to make it clear to anyone that adds to this list that you, too, can take comfort in like-minded individuals that have come together to express the 10,000 Reasons Civilization is Doomed. Perhaps if we are heard, some of the doom can be deterred.

Thank you for contributing to this list.


Living Room / Lots of info about lots of browsers
« on: August 31, 2006, 04:20 AM »
I found this interesting page while searching for browser detection info for mobile browsers.

This gives an overview of the browsers and their futures.

This page covers:  AOL,  AOL-Compuserve,  AOL Explorer,  AOL-Netscape,  AOL-TV,  Apple Safari,  DoCoMo iMode,  Escape,  HotJava,  IBM Home Page Reader,  IBM Web Browser,  iCab,  Konqueror,  Lynx,  Microsoft Internet Explorer,  Microsoft MSN Explorer,  Microsoft MSN-TV Viewer,  Mosaic,  Mozilla (and Camino, Firefox, and SeaMonkey),  Nokia,  OmniWeb,  Openwave,  Opera,  W3C Amaya.

Note: because this site focuses on browsers needed to test websites, it rarely covers browsers that are little used or that use standard engines from more common browsers.

The website advertised,, advises children on how to stay safe online.

But a listener who misspelt the address found a series of links led her to adult porn websites.

The advert said: "Giving out personal info could let a paedophile track you down. Be smart online, be safe online."

But instead of typing 'u' in the web address, the woman wrote 'you', taking her to a different website.

Remember to register common misspellings for your domain name when you register the one you really want.  ;)

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