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Xplorer2 pro is one of the best file manager for Windows, if you ask me.  :P
It's not often discounted, but now it is 51% off!  :-*

The link is here :

xplorer2 home page:

I like the way EmEditor does this. It promised only minor updates (until the next major version bump), but in fact has never charged me anything for major updates (from v5.x to now v8.01).

I think EmEditor is available with a lifetime license now.  :-*

Purchase Benefits

a Free minor upgrades for the same product. Also, usually, free major upgrades for the same product.

The other heros in the 'Lifetime' license club:

xplorer² file manager

WhereIsIt catalog manager

Living Room / Re: Your favorite quotes?
« on: December 25, 2008, 03:31 PM »
The general who is skilled in defense hides in the most secret recesses of the earth; he who is skilled in attack flashes forth from the topmost heights of heaven.  - Sun Tzu

drivermax + 1
It is a life saver!!! :-*

I tried drivermax and it backed up all my drivers very quickly,
and I reinstalled all my Windows drivers without any problems. :Thmbsup:

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