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"Files NOT Used" utility

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I think I'd be inclined to move old files to a specific backup rather than just deleting them.  It doesn't happen often compared to regular file access, but I've certainly had the need to dig out files that were untouched for a lot longer than 180 days.  Why not dump them to DVD along with path information?
-cranioscopical (May 16, 2007, 09:37 AM)
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Certainly a valid consideration.  DVDs are pretty cheap too, nowadays.  Thanks, Chris!.

I must confess that I am quite surprised that this utility is not more available.  Maybe that is saying something or I am ignorant of existing utility.

Carol Haynes:
You could simply use Windows search function on a wildcard and sort by date accessed (slow though).

How about any of the main indexing apps (eg. Google desktop, X1 etc) you could the same thing - force it to list all files and sort by date.

The advantage of one of these desktop tools is that you could easily limit your search by file type.

You could perhaps use a backup program to archive certain file types older than a certain date too if that's what you need and then offload them to a DVD or set of DVDs.

I wouldn't touch system files, apps or DLL files etc. though as their dates aren't often updated and you could find your whole system hosed!

If you want to get rid of applications you never use the best way is to uninstall them - YourUninstaller! does a good job of clearing up left over rubbish too. (I just spent two days doing this - I had so much shareware crap slowing down my system - the uninstaller tells you when you last accessed an application).

Locate32 comes to the rescue... again!  :-* Lightning fast to index, useful in a miriad of ways.

I still ned the utility to find them... any leads?
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I think justice has a very good solution for you.   Take the output and use your favourite editor to make a script/batch file to move out what you dare.  Carol's right to urge caution, you could be in for a lot of pain.  Happy hunting :)


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