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i found an error:

when i try to zip @ level 9 filter *.chm a file named "textbook_of_international_health__2nd_ed_0195132041.chm"


"Electrodiagnosis in Diseases of Nerve and Muscle - Principles and Practice.chm"

extra files mysteriously appear in the archive:

Hmmm...  Please provide the following information:

1) What input & output paths are you using?
2) Is the "Scan subdirectories too?" checkbox checked?
3) Which output mode are you using along with its settings.


I found your program while looking for ones on google. I think the password feature is the only feature (besides comments... but thats IZARCCs fault :) ) that this program needs to be more unique than winrar.

I have tried the following to put files in separate archives:

Winrar - need to pay,
PeaZip - uses more than one instance - a dirty trick
TugZip - No other feature beside simple archiving.

So i am sure everyone including me would love to see the next release have password support & if you got time, maybe a file browser to pick and choose files (CTRL + click thing)  + other easy to implement features with the IZARCC tool...

- Eagerly waiting!!

I've already coded in password support but I'm hesitant to add file deletion support.  I'd really hate to screw that up, you know?  Though, on the other hand, if I delete to the recycle bin maybe it wouldn't be such a risk.  What are your thoughts on this?  The encryption idea will not be implemented since the IZarc command-line binary and the IZarc GUI version are the only things capable of opening those encrypted zips (I use the IZarc command-line binary as the backend for SpInZip). 

As for a file browser, I think that goes beyond the scope of this tool.  I've never intended for SpInZip to be anything close to a complete compression suite/app.  Like I mentioned before, SpInZip is nothing more than a fancy front-end for the IZarc command-line binary.  That being said, I do realise that Coding Snacks sometimes do take on a life of their own, hence, all the additional output options I've added to SpInZip.  I trust you can understand that.  =]

At any rate, here's v0.0.7.0 with the password support.  Please let me know how it works out for you.  Thanks.

2. I am sending to this customers many games (hugh sized) which are more that 2 GB each.
Is it just me, or does this sound just a slight bit fishy?

Or signing up just to ask for source code?

Agreed.  I'm all for FOSS but it seems that some folks feel entitled to it these days.

it is possible and if so what is the way to get the source code of the SpinZip ?

I'm not interested in making the source available at this time.


This app is awesome!  I do think the password/encryption option would be nice!

Hey, while we are adding awesome features, how about cleaning up the original file/s once they are zipped?

For example:  If I request each demo.log file to be zipped to, once it is zipped - delete the original demo.log file!

Thanks for your kind words and apologies for the late reply.  Are you still interested in these additional features?

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: New C# FARR Plugin: FARRGoogleSuggest
« on: December 29, 2007, 04:45 PM »
Can you use any of the other .NET plugins FARRAltTab, FARRTunes, FARREnviormentVariables?

Yes, FARRAltTab works.  Would you like me to try the others?

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