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Putting All My (Legally Obtained) Music Online

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- Wow! I remember when I first saw their offer last year or whenever, that I didn't quite understand the purpose, but also that I assumed that I would have to sign up for an account or something; so I didn't even check or test! [embarrassed red face]
Your experience is a nice surprise to me! ;-)

You know, I really have no idea.  I have used it since 2006 or 2007, and I am in no way affiliated with them.  It has been a flawless experience...
-y0himba (October 24, 2009, 06:16 PM)
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I beta tested Orb way back when they first released a beta. I remember that at one point it started eating up CPU a lot more than usual. Then I found that they were trying out a "shared resources" model, where "power bandwidth" machines - meaning people with very high-speed connections - were being used as servers, similar to what Skype was surreptitiously doing at one point. I ditched it then. Don't know if they stuck with that or not.


They must not have gone with it, even if it was in fact implemented.  I never saw it and I have used it since 2006.  The only time it connects to anything is when I stream music to my device or when it checks for updates.  I have never seen it upload without me expressly connecting to it and starting to play music or videos.

Cool - I just went to the site and logged in. It has been so long I didn't know whether or not my login creds would still be valid.


Well I had a look @ - that is useless for me since it seems 2 B for US-users only  >:(

Does anyone please know of a service where I can upload my Music, organize it in Playlist & than embed
these playlists in any webpage (I Used & Media Master before) but they made too many changes (Deezer)
and Media Master shut down, so the become useless 4 me too.

I have a radio-blog kind of  a site where I want to embed my music,



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