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Turning automatic process taming off.

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this is not a bad idea, and my plan is to soon add more ability to fine tune how to handle different programs.

until then, it sounds though like you might get the basic behavior you want if instead you just leave on the high cpu taming set PT to "ignore" certain specific programs like the games and internet connection utilities and others that you want to let run at high priority, which PT already will let you do.

Yes, I know I can handle games using ignore. My idea is just an negative logic to ignore specific applications. It is just an improvement. Some users may find it more comfortable than existing logic. There are some programs similar to PT, but none of them has this kind of logic. Anyway I find PT best of them. I like little, simple but efficient and reliable software. I'm also software developer, KM Remote and KM Wakeup are my freeware tools. I don't post any links, it is not an advertisement.

Yes i definitely agree it sounds like a nice idea - and i will put it on my todo list - i just have to add the ability to specify more custom instructions for each app, and then this will be easy to add.

By the way cinpl, we very much love having software authors here - please do make a post to introduce us to your programs - we won't view it as spam as long as you promise not to make the same post about them each week and tell us that we won the lottery :)  ;D


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