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Living Room / Databases in modern companies
« on: March 19, 2010, 01:33 AM »
This really interests me, because Im on-the-job learning and these guys here use databases daily, hourly and minutely.
Every single PC has a tiny client running, to retrieve data from a sector they want, with any PC they want and from any PC they want.
Every log and everything they do is saved automatically to a database, they use databases to list files and a handly program called ORACLE.

Why I am so interested then ?
Because they told us on school, that you`re really gonna need databases daily when you get your job.
I didn`t believe this, but they are actually more than needed !

What do you think of this, is it handy and fast - or maybe complicated and stupid ?
What would be your choise to share and save data ?

General Software Discussion / Trying to remember an old game
« on: March 15, 2010, 04:38 AM »
Good morning forum!

Im trying to remember this old, 2D, pretty much sidescrolling game.
I played it when I was very young ~ year 1995+ maybe.

When you started the game, first thing you saw was some kind of medusa or octopus but it looked scary and it was one of the games enemies - there was lots of other enemies in that picture too, if im right.
The player had some kind of jetpacks and maybe blue clothes.
@ first level / demo level or @ some level, there were computers and stuff if you went up, almost like a facility..
I think it was somewhat puzzle game to get out or something.
i think..there was a pistol, but jetpack there was for 80% sure.

Lots of buttons.. you had to go up in one level and there was computers.. buttons?

I think the game used level codes, not sure thou..

Please help me remember this!

Finished Programs / DONE: Line-Numbered textfile
« on: March 10, 2010, 10:05 AM »
I have decided to start this little youtube-game bymyself, where I seek for videos from 1 viewers to 100 000 000 viewers.
And for that, I need a checklist from 1 to 100 000 000.

So, i need someone to make me a program, which creates textfile with lines "from" "to" and user can choose where to start and where to quit, and the max number should be 100 000 000.
And if possible + bonus for you, make it so that in every line there is space after number.

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Binding 2 windows to each other?
« on: March 10, 2010, 06:17 AM »
Im in need of a program, which could "bind" or "merge" 2 windows together.
Now, I suck at explaining but lets say that I got 2 tiny windows and I want to minimize both of them just by clicking other ones minimize button - but this would happend only if the windows are bind together.

Another feature could be like in WinAmp, there is lots of tiny windows and they are like glued together or something, you can drag 2 windows bind together and release them too.

And lets not forget transparency, you could change transparency of both of the windows just by changing it from one of them.

Is this even possible to make?

I don`t know how the binding would exactly happend - possibly writing the window-names on a command prompt ??

Living Room / Speaking Of: Torrent Sites
« on: March 09, 2010, 03:32 PM »
First thing to say, is that I don`t want anything illegal here - as the torrent-sites are not illegal.

I actually made this topic up, because I wanted to ask you, that what do you think about sharing programs, videos, music and other stuff MADE BY YOURSELF on the torrent-sites?
I think those sites should really be used more to ship legal stuff since they have easy search-method and lots of stuff gathered to one place - and lets not remember user-supported dl/ul`s.

It would be hell of a lot easier to find that album made by your neightbor by searching it from these sites that surfing on google and stuff and not finding anything at all.

So, post your thoughts and so on..

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