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What is your boot time?

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Well, I have taken my new Vista into use, and so far it is even worse than I feared :-(
-Curt (November 21, 2008, 06:10 PM)
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- three (3) days it lasted, that new Vista of mine! Yesterday I simply had to test the offer from Bits du Jour, RollBack Rx Professional:

RollBack Rx Professional
A Virtual Time-Machine!
RollBack Rx's system restore is a complete hard drive system restore utility, incremental backup system, and disaster recovery solution. No data loss, guaranteed!
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The price was announced to $28, but turned out to be €28, plus €5 per year, for maintenance. I got annoyed and removed the program again, and told the machine to reboot. This was the last I saw of Vista. I wonder what the terms are for this "No data loss, guaranteed"?!! Their praise said "disaster recovery solution" - but somehow they forgot the "recovery" part, leaving me with a solution of disaster!!

Typing this on my "old" XP, which was unstable for almost 2 years but never failed... More than a thousand programs have been in and out ;-)

- and now back to the subject!   :-[

The Complete Guide to Speeding Up Your PC's Startup
By Gina Trapani, 11:30 AM on Fri Nov 14 2008, 130,181 views

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Well, I have taken my new Vista into use, and so far it is even worse than I feared :-(
-Curt (November 21, 2008, 06:10 PM)
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- three (3) days it lasted, that new Vista of mine!

(.....), and told the machine to reboot. This was the last I saw of Vista.

(...) Edited:
Typing this on my "old" XP, ...
-Curt (November 26, 2008, 02:16 PM)
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Frankly, Vista is far far better than XP, at least when it comes to Recovery!  :)  It was a little hard to find, but that may be due to the oddness of the Siemens/Toshiba Recovery which I refused to use, but when first I clicked Recover To Previous Setup, or what it may be called in English, there was no problem at all. All the programs are there, except for the sinner, and all of my documents are safe~saved.  :D

Typing this on my new Vista!  8)

Well, I have taken my new Vista into use, and so far it is even worse than I feared :-(
-Curt (November 21, 2008, 06:10 PM)
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- three (3) days it lasted, that new Vista of mine!

(.....), and told the machine to reboot. This was the last I saw of Vista.

(...) Edited:
Typing this on my "old" XP, ...
-Curt (November 26, 2008, 02:16 PM)
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Frankly, Vista is far far better than XP, at least when it comes to Recovery!  :)  It was a little hard to find, but that may be due to the oddness of the Siemens/Toshiba Recovery which I refused to use, but when first I clicked Recover To Previous Setup, or what it may be called in English, there was no problem at all. All the programs are there, except for the sinner, and all of my documents are safe~saved.  :D

Typing this on my new Vista!  8)
-Curt (December 01, 2008, 05:28 AM)
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Welcome back, Curt!

Thanks, Darwin.

Boot-time is now 2 minutes,  (more and more programs! How does this happen?). Not fast.


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